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Legalising drugs

DECRIMINALIZING possession of small amounts of drugs is in fact legalising drugs, the possession, whatever amount you might have - no less no more.

Airbnb tax a minor issue

I borrowed a copy of the Punch from a friend of mine yesterday, to read an article by Nicki Kelly on what seems to have become a subject of significant national importance now.

Still in love with Trump, Mr Symonette?

When he was a private citizen nobody cared that Brent Symonette found in Donald Trump a man with whom he was so enamored that he would have voted for him in last November’s election if he had US citizenship.

Alfred Sears should run for leader

I admire that Alfred Sears had the courage to challenge Perry Christie at the last PLP convention. It is sad that the PLP did not have the good sense to get rid of Mr Christie and go into the election with a better leader.

Larry Smith is a big loss

THE Bahamas has indeed lost a fearless and excellent journalist. Larry Smith was one of the very best.

The problems with BPL

BP&L - ZNS News report Sunday last. Wow if you believe one word of that release all our troubles with excessively high electricity rates have to be over - what a lot of garbage.

Bishop Neil Ellis and his sermon

I assume Bishop Nei Ellis has a thorough knowledge of the 10 commandments specifically for this letter the 8th Thou Shalt Not Steal.

Electoral reform

THE recent revelation regarding BPL’s $1.5m dollar payout as authorised by Shane Gibson and former DPM Philip ‘Brave’ Davis reiterates the need for reformation of the electoral process.

Bad service at NIB

I think it is very ridiculous that I have spent 30 minutes of my morning (9am-9:30am) calling the National Insurance Board to ask one question and I can‘t get the phone answered. How is it possible for a building of at least 300+ people and no one answers the phone?

First Class or People’s Class?

So are the Ministers of The People’s Government travelling ‘People’s Class’ or ‘First Class’?

Graduate's selective morality

IN long-winded discussions, one can easily forget the core issue being discussed. I think this is what happened to The Graduate in his public discussion with me on civil unions and homosexual marriage. He seems to have forgotten the core issue. Please allow me space to remind The Graduate of the core issue and to point further to his selective morality.

Car prices

What are we coming to here in The Bahamas when we have private businesses complaining about Bahamians trying to save themselves some money by purchasing reasonably priced, good condition, well-running vehicles for themselves and their children to get around instead of having to pay high monthly payments to a bank that has no concern for you.

Tasks for tourism

TENDERS-RFP’s for providing services or alike to Government? There is a requirement under Law that any item over $50,000.00 must go to a published tender - why didn’t Tourism send the marketing contract to public tender?

Police probe is not a witch hunt

IT must be quite clear to the public at this time that the witch-hunt being alleged by prominent politicians and lawyers is not deserving of their acceptance.

Punishment a joke

WHEN I heard the news about the punishment that was handed down to the two police officers who were caught on video drinking on the job, I was absolutely outraged. This was literally a smack on the wrist.

Gardiner will learn

CONGRATULATIONS to Steven Gardiner, with his silver medal at the IAAF in London. He has the potential to be one of the world’s greatest runners in his time.

Stop this tax plan on rentals

Stop! I understand the government needs revenue, but it must stop for a moment to get a clear understanding of the vacation rental industry.

We Rise just a PLP response

WE Rise is nothing more than a PLP idea to piggyback on Senator Ranard Heinfield’s We March Bahamas – an organisation which was a thorn in the Christie administration’s side. This fact alone reveals that the PLP lacks innovation. Whoever the organisers are, they are copycatting Senator Heinfield.

There’s no free lunch

TOTALLY supportive of a capitalistic economy, but I am against a free lunch which is what it seems, users of AirBnB - Home Away from Home seem to wish. What next Government to give them a tax incentive?

Enforce the death penalty

THE Bahamas now has a total of 87 murders for the first eight months of 2017. That is an average of a little over ten murders per month. At this rate, the country will once again reach the mark of 120 murders. The FNM government and National Security Minister Marvin Dames have stated that they will use everything on the law books, including capital punishment, to make The Bahamas safe for law-abiding citizens. Bahamians want a safe country. They are tired of the wanton bloodshed on the streets of New Providence and Grand Bahama.

Mitchell must stop using Pindling’s name

This week was the anniversary of The Bahamas exchanging diplomatic relations and recognition with the People’s Republic of China (during the Ingraham Government). I believe it might be the 23rd or 24th year.

Consult the owners

LISTENING to the Hon Minister of Tourism chirping on about parity for the hotel owner and the vacation home rental owner following the execution of an agreement with Air BNB, apart from the payment of taxes I wonder where is the level playing field? Also what about home owners who rent without being affiliated with Air BNB.

Loose lips scare investors

IF the daily dose of Talk Shows continue as they splurt out daily inaccuracies I suggest the station owners should seriously consider cutting all.

How many holes do we dig?

IT IS oftentimes good to look at the past to see how far we’ve gone and what has happened along the way.

Don’t kill the goose - it’s still growing

Re: your piece in the Business Section today (Thursday).