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Come Join the 21st Century, Pastor Moss

The most venerable Pastor Cedric Moss threw down a gauntlet in his passé crusade to deny rights to some Bahamians. His crusade is drenched in intolerance, obstinacy and biblical irony.

Tribune editorials on a roll

I WANT to know who writes the editorial section of The Tribune. I am asking because the unattributed section of the paper has been on a roll since the senseless violence in Charlottesville, Virginia — and by on a roll I mean like off a cliff.

Poorly briefed

THE US Senate Foreign Relations hearing, for the designate US Ambassador Doug Manchester, very clearly exposed much wanting in the US policy to The Bahamas, although I did like the gentleman’s comment, that he would encourage US investment.

Mitchell must stop using Pindling’s name

THE Whistleblower came across a Nassau Guardian article which says that the PLP is considering holding a demonstration and a march to the mausoleum of Sir Lynden O Pindling on August 26. Pindling died on August 26, 2000. From what the Whistleblower was able to gather from the article, the PLP will assemble in order to protest the recent arrests and alleged bad treatment of three former PLP parliamentarians.

Brave must rebuild

In politics, as in every day life, all human beings, and some animals, are capable of shedding their known persona and putting on a facial mask. this is done in the majority of cases to attempt to conceal or hide the true characteristics and intent of the wearer at any particular time. The wearing of masks, I submit, has become a perfected art form in our wonderful nation. In local politics, those who don a mask or multiple ones often succeed in securing elective or appointive office.

Clarify position over police chief

From the Constable on Patrol up the the Commissioner of Police (they are both COP) there is a need to maintain clarity of purpose. This is best done by appointing and leaving well alone. Confusion arises on the part of all parties when interference comes from the political side of our system of governance.

Major's Carnival maths

Paul Major, the former chairman of the Junkanoo Carnival boondoggle is a banker by profession and supposedly he knows a thing or two about numbers.

Invite lost in the post?

THIS WEEK was the anniversary, of The Bahamas exchanging diplomatic relations and recognition, with the People’s Republic of China (during the Ingraham Government). I believe it might be the 23rd or 24th year.

Former MP Comments on Health Care

Many moons ago when I was a freshman studying economics at St John’s University my professor, Fr Martin, walked into the classroom and said, “Open your books and write this down. The definition of Economics is the allocation of scarce resources among competing needs and wants.”

Worrying board picks

IF there was one thing we heard over and over from Dr Hon Hubert Minnis in the campaign was that an FNM administration would change how business of Government was carried out and integrity would be a guiding light.

Much ado about nothing

LAST week, Mr Doug Manchester, the nominated Ambassador to The Bahamas, made remarks to the USA Senate Committee vetting his selection by the Hon. President Donald J. Trump. Mr. Manchester referred to The Bahamas as ‘a protectorate’ of the United States of America. Members of the committee, as many Bahamians, were taken aback by that ‘innocent’ description. The reactions, both in the USA and here in our nation (not protectorate) were swift and almost brutal.

Selective outrage

CLASSISM is alive and well in The Bahamas!

Have they no shame?

I have learned to expect very little from the PLP party leadership, but the ramblings of Freddy and Brave, although comical at times, have become bewildering to say the least. One could make the argument that they are trying to appeal to their party base, but that would be an insult to a considerable cross section of the electorate. Surely the PLP base is not as asinine as these two “leaders” would have us believe.

What next at the landfill?

Your story on page two - “Investors to be encouraged to submit proposals for landfill” begs certainly a question to the good Minister responsible for the Environment and Housing - in your life prior to May 10th you were a professional consultant in this area and known to be probably connected to some of the local or even foreign companies that sought this concession.

The House of Cards

I HAVE absolutely no doubt that the defunct Progressive Liberal Party will not return to high office anytime soon. This is a sad assessment for many but the truth will always set one “free”.

Not an Appy listener...

This past week was an interesting one on to all accounts.

All Are Not Equal in Pastor Moss’ Eyes

I think the good Pastor Cedric Moss needs to be reminded that we are a secular state that separates the affairs of Caesar from the affairs of God. The Constitution does not, however, preclude voluntary collaboration between church and state for the common good, such as in state support for schools operated by religious groups.

Huff and puff at court

A LOT of huff and puff held over from last week and the drama of the shame walk - what difference would it have made if Mr Gibson had used his crutches to security? For millions, the Ingraham Government built these new courts - I recall that in the design there is a secure side entrance where all accused were supposed to be taken and from where they securely were taken to cells in the building.

Fire at the Rand Hospital

Too easy Minister - we need to see the report from the Fire Officer, before we throw this incident under the mat.

Minnis the reformer

What we are witnessing before our eyes today in The Bahamas regarding wealthy, prominent politicians being hauled before the courts is without precedent.

Apology to D’Aguilar

I owe a profound and abject apology to the Hon. Dionisio d’Aguilar (FNM-Free Town), the erstwhile Minister of Tourism. Last week, without first speaking to the Minister, as I should have done, I lambasted him in particular and the Minnis Administration in general for “terminating” nine persons, not eleven as I wrongly stated in an editorial, from the Freeport office of the Ministry of Tourism.

Sacred cows

Listening to the posturing of the attorneys for the erstwhile political “sacred cows”, I have to wonder if the maxim “everybody is equal under the law” was thrown out with the baby’s bath water.

Shame on D'Aguilar

I enjoy what I do as the number one rated (or so some say) talk show host in the nation. As host of The Real Deal, I have been presented with a huge electronic platform to promote nation building public policy initiatives and to make a difference in the lives of many Bahamians.

Price war

JOHN ISSA’S comments on the generally accepted fear of a hotel price war are interesting if not significant.

Sports and politics

It’s easy to see why politicians love sports champions and celebrities. But all too often we are left wondering if the affection is reciprocated.