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Mitchell's bid for leadership

THE Progressive Liberal Party will be holding a convention this year in order to elect a substantive leader, deputy leader and chairman.

A cruel analogy

AS an animal lover, I find the analogy “many ways to skin a cat” alarming made by the Minister of Tourism in the Business Section of today’s Tribune.

Sands continues to slash NHI

AFTER discounting the tax contributions of Bahamians and describing standard universal healthcare benefits as being “free”, Health Minister Duane Sands now says that Bahamians simply cannot afford the “burden” of taxes needed to maintain NHI spending levels.

Time for a domestic terminal

The time is long past for air transport officials to recognise that there is such a thing as domestic air travel in this country.

Miller’s expertise

Re: Miller: Govt should consult predecessors in bid to lower electricity bills.

Assault on universal healthcare

Health Minister Duane Sands’ flippant and deeply ignorant observation that “nothing in life is free” in relation to universal healthcare gave me chills. It immediately brought to mind the thought that, one day, I could be robbed at gunpoint and, getting the attention of a passing policeman, I am saved from the prospect of gunshot injury and recover my goods, only to be told by the officer that my bill for his intervention is $250.00 plus VAT.

Keep Montagu clean

Montagu is the only remaining public beach on the eastern end of the island. It’s used by a wide cross section of Bahamians, particularly from the Montagu and Free Town districts. It’s within walking distance of communities of diverse economic groupings and it provides recreation for many families, especially those without transport. Visitors also use the beach.

The descent of cyber world

IN recent times especially during the previous election. Cyber world has descended to the lowest of the low.

Don't take a risk with hurricanes

Since June 1, efforts have been made to sensitise the public about the seriousness of disaster striking The Bahamas. Hurricane Preparedness has been stressed, because if we as a people are better prepared, then the blow could be lessened.

Applause for opening bare cupboard to pay extra for Nottage funeral

I BELIEVE it was the fictional character and nihilist Yevgeney Vasilevish Bazaro who stated in the 19th century Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev’s classic novel Fathers and Sons that death is a stale joke, but it comes fresh to everybody. The country continues to moan the passing of Dr Bernard Nottage, former Progressive Liberal Party MP and National Security Minister in the former Christie government. Nottage has gone on to his eternal reward. May his soul rest in peace.

Health HQ not fit

IN response to your front page story “health HQ not fit for workers” dated July 12, 2017, I cannot in good conscience sit any longer without voicing an opinion of completely resolving the mould issue facing government and their buildings where thousands of good Bahamians are complaining of various kinds of illnesses like allergies, red eyes, coughs, skin rashes and many more of unknown etiology.

Taxing a fledgling industry

It must indeed be The People’s Time if one looks at Tribune242.com Latest Business Headlines.

Mitchell was right

Under ordinary circumstances, I would caution PLP members like Alfred Sears, Raynard Rigby and Chester Cooper to keep their criticisms of their party indoors, on the grounds that it is harmful to their party to permit its dirty laundry to be weaponized by its opponents. Under the present circumstances, however, these gentlemen (all of whom I hold in high regard) will only be harming themselves by joining the blame-Christie bandwagon.

Delaporte Point concerns

Delaporte Point Limited (DPL) continues to use proxy votes to approve financial statements despite questions by owners.

Minnis Shines On Caricom Stage

EDITOR, The Tribune. Hot on the heels of his impressive domestic policy roll-out here at home, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis cut his teeth in foreign policy recently when he represented us at a turbulent but comfortably familiar Caricom family reunion

Politicians and VAT

SOMETIMES it is by far the best for politicians to stay away from speaking on subjects. Seemingly they do not have an accurate understanding or opinion on.

Back to the old routine

Pre-May 10, 2017, we were very used to sirens and out-riders and speeding official cars –were we not promised that that would stop?

Mr Miller, you are wrong in blaming BPL

The Tribune dated June 19th, reads “Miller blames power outages on the hiring of ‘foreigners’ – Former Bahamas Electricity Corp (BEC) Executive Chairman Leslie Miller has blamed the frequent power outages at Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) on the former administration’s decision to hire ‘foreigners’ to run the power company rather than allow Bahamians to ‘fix the problems’.”

Minnis Shines On Caricom Stage

Hot on the heels of his impressive domestic policy roll-out here at home, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis cut his teeth in foreign policy recently when he represented us at a turbulent but comfortably familiar Caricom family reunion.

Where's the beef on NHI?

The discussion around the proposed NHI scheme brings to mind the now-iconic Wendy’s television commercial in which three elderly ladies were served a hamburger. Admiring the “big, fluffy bun” on the outside, they opened the bun to find a burger so small that one of them exclaimed, “Where’s the beef?”

Who are the debtors?

Merriam-Webster defines “nebulous” as relating to, or resembling, a nebula.

Cancel not privatise the carnival

Some time ago I drafted a letter to the editor to commend Bahamian musician and producer Fred Ferguson for withdrawing his support from carnival, but in the business of life, I did not finalise and send it. Recently, I saw Mr Ferguson at a funeral and was reminded of my unfinished task, hence this letter to you.

Wake up, Mr Christie

Please allow me to address a brief letter to Mr Christie in response to your interview with him:

Open up solar power

Re: Solar Electricity Request for Proposal (RFP) in today’s Tribune.

Blind Mitchell

Hon Fred Mitchell must be the only and I mean only Bahamian who doesn’t understand why the PLP lost.