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The people finished with dat

EDITOR, The TribuneI LISTENED with interest to the former Prime Minister clumsily attempting to be gracious in defeat.If he is going to be taken as credible, then it is important for him to be truthful. Truthful about the reason the people rejected h

DNA played no role in election outcome

IN 2012, amid much excitement and fanfare, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) led by Branville McCartney entered the race to become the government of The Bahamas. They neither won the government nor any seats but many say that

Raise limit on small claims

EDITOR, The TribuneDOES anyone in this country owe you a small amount of money and refuses to pay?Yes? No? And if “yes” what can you do about it?I have a suggestion: why don’t you conscript their appearance in small claims court so that you can sue t

Armed teenager

EDITOR, The Tribune.The headline “Police kill boy as he steals cigarettes” … surely the second headline “Officers return fire in shootout” says exactly what occurred, so why did The Tribune run with the big headline, which was miles away from the tru

Belief in the People’s Agenda?

MAY 10 is already more than a week past and the smoke and mirrors of the campaign have disappeared and reality is now the issue - reality in can Prime Minister Hubert Minnis deliver ‘It’s The People’s Time’?

Winner or loser?

WITH any election landslide win we should be vigilant for signs of arrogance that may develop in the winners, as it still remains to be seen if the achievement was due to factors other than strategic political brilliance etc.

The ABCs of a new beginning

THE positive atmosphere that presently envelops The Bahamas as a result of last week’s election is a welcome relief, reminiscent of that amazing optimism and anticipation felt in the 1970s when my late husband and I returned home from studies abroad as young Bahamians eager to make our mark upon the clean slate of our independent nation.

Civil behaviour

Allow me to congratulate my fellow Bahamians for once again conducting themselves in a civilized and peaceful manner during the recently held General Election.

Gone with the wind

A POLITICAL defeat is like a messy divorce. The ‘blame game’ becomes quickly apparent once a petition for dissolution is filed and served or when political entities are deposed. This is now the case here in our wonderful nation.

Back to basics

You may want to revisit the opinion page of May 23 and take a closer look at what was published regarding “Patterson’s medieval rhetoric”, as you will find no documented support for the title and most of what was written by Kevin Evans, of Freeport, Grand Bahama.

Glimpse of a Minnis doctrine

Students of politics who parse words and debate policy were absolutely delighted with the first public statements by the new Prime Minister.

Patterson’s medieval rhetoric

I HAVE profound respect for Dr Ranford Patterson, former head of the Bahamas Christian Council.

A chance for Grand Bahama

THE Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has been seen off in spectacular fashion, ending ten years of inept governance and corruption.

Teachable moment

At the risk of stating the obvious, the May 2017 general election is a teachable moment for both the outgoing and incoming governments.

A new government

I ALWAYS get edgy when an incoming government’s first recourse to address its financial obligations is to borrow more money.

Baha Mar - and what comes next

DR MINNIS and the new ministers face a daunting task over the next number of years: living with the legacy of Baha Mar.

Blame them

WAYNE Munroe and Brave Davis apparently have accused Dr Minnis of all sorts of things, because all of a sudden the police are cracking down on crime big time.

Ambassador protocol

THERE are established protocols and traditions as to how a Government appoints an Ambassador or High Commissioner.

Forced into retirement

The Bahamian general elections of 2017 is now over with the Free National Movement (FNM) being the victor. They soundly defeated the incumbent Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) at the polls.

Isaacs’ racist rant

PROMINENT PLP Errington “Minky” Isaacs’ racist rant at a party meeting for the retirement of former Prime Minister Perry Christie encapsulates the history of his party’s perennial usage of the race card in order to woo black Bahamian voters.

Where to investigate

THE instructions to the Auditor General from Prime Minister Hubert Minnis were direct and certainly there could be no misunderstanding.

Scorned Mitchell

Re: Mitchell lashes out at FNM win (May 15)

Mitchell’s alternative reality

Fred Mitchell’s “Air Force One” crash-landed in Fox Hill on election night. Neither Captain Freddie nor the wreckage of his gargantuan arrogance and self-importance could initially be found. The search party hoped to spot him at the recount the next day but His Highness was a no show.

Mitchell a danger to democracy

Former Minister Mitchell’s statement following his election defeat is an insult to Bahamians at so many levels.

Bitterness of Fred Mitchell

FORMER PLP MP Fred Mitchell’s press statement over the weekend portrays him as bitter and angry that he has lost the trappings of Cabinet ministers.