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Pools at South Beach

The pools at South Beach have been closed for several years, and from its present appearance and according to comments made by the Defense Force officers that are stationed there they will not be opened for a long time.

Change since May 10?

Has anything changed since May 10, 2017?

Refreshing difference

I was pleasantly surprised this morning while driving out west and happened to pass the Prime Minister on the way to his office creeping along in the morning traffic like the rest of us.

A necessary expense?

Are Bahamian consulates and high commissions abroad really necessary in this day and age of instant communication?

Challenge of revitalising Downtown

The Hon Minister of Tourism, Dinisio D’Aguliar (FNM-Free Town), and the Minnis Administration have their collective work cut out for them when it comes to the revitilisation of the downtown environment and The Festival Place at Prince George Dock. With the relocation of many traditional businesses and merchants from Bay Street, decades ago, to the inner city and suburbs, that main strip, from East Street up to the Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge, has become an eye sore of no small order. In fact, Bay Street as we used to know it has become a ghost town and an area where Bahamians pimp out themselves and sell illegal drugs, according to the police.

Oh Cat Island, can you hear me?

THE historical aspect of Cat Island culture is not readily apparent, even with the brief outlines presented in the touristic flyers.

Wishing for some bare cupboards?

Please publish this open letter to Mr Chester Cooper, PLP MP for Exuma,

Post service

I recently wrote to the your paper about the disgraceful mail service we have been receiving.

Minnis’ ZNS speech

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ speech at ZNS and BIS was, in my view, a political classic. T

Is this two truck operation a scam?

I think someone needs to investigate what appears to be a scam being operated by a tow truck driver who hangs around the downtown area and others whom I suspect are police officers.

The PLP hired security officer to watch police station

The Minister of State for Public Service and National Insurance Brensil Rolle revealed to the House during the budget debate that the PLP added 6,500 persons to the already bloated civil service between 2012-2017.

People voted against PLP

THE leader, members and supporters of the Free National Movement should enjoy the resounding victory they achieved at the polls on May 10, 2017. However, they ought not allow themselves to become intoxicated or deluded by this win.

Gone with the wind

A POLITICAL defeat is like a messy divorce. The ‘blame game’ becomes quickly apparent once a petition for dissolution is filed and served or when political entities are deposed. This is now the case here in our wonderful nation.

An open letter to the PM

Please print this open letter to the Prime Minister . . .

Who speaks for PLP on finance?

As I read the report in The Tribune, the appointments did not include the Shadow Minister of Finance.

Time to deliver to the people

MAY 10th is already a week past and the smoke and mirrors of the campaign have disappeared and reality is now the issue - reality is can PM Hubert Minnis deliver - It’s The People’s Time?

Time to resign

AFTER an election, political nominees to various positions in civil government are supposed to resign immediately, leaving it up to the incoming Government to decide their fate in that position.


The stark reality is Bahamians do not take hurricanes seriously. The seriousness of the impending dangers sometimes do not hit us until we hear the wind blowing, the trees bending and the power is off.

Poor choices by PLP for the Senate

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) was decimated during the general elections last month. No one, inclusive of me, could have predicted such a landslide wipeout. Yes, there were some, like me, who had a gut feeling that the hated former Prime Minister would have led us PLPs straight down the garden path. There are many reasons for the debacle, but there is no more compelling excuse than the unpopularity of PGC and the overt evidence of corruption by many within the Gold Rush Administration.

Visa perk of travel to the US

IN THE Bahamas, we enjoy luxuries countries could only dream of.

Adrian Gibson

AS A descendant of a Long Islander, I cannot sit by and allow this attack on the Member of Parliament for Long Island, Adrian Gibson.

Response to Fred Mitchell

This letter is in response to Fred Mitchell, former Fox Hill MP.

Why press on with NHI?

IMAGINE a family, strapped for funds considering a loan to take care of certain obligations.

Why is Baltron Bethel at work?

THE Minnis administration is batting 1,000 with respect to announcements that forensic audits will be conducted at NIB, Urban Renewal, BAIC, BAMSI and other government run agencies.

Refusing to accept defeat

THE Bahamian populace have given Hubert Minnis and his Government a very clear mandate - to govern our country for the next five years.