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Fighting the fires

Once again I would ask you to bear with me and publish my thoughts, this time on our public services as they relate to fire control. I would like to make this an open letter to Chief Fireman EVANS.

Little comfort

Re: Wayne Munroe. “Interception Bill will fulfil international obligations.”

Symonette is tone deaf

Brent Symonette is a stunningly naïve man.

DNA and Minnis

Re: Punch Thursday - Bran ready to deal for 9 seats

We do not have a crime problem

I would like to go on record and disagree with all of the talk show hosts and media personalities who think that we have a crime problem; to listen to them pontificate you get the impression that this situation is something new.

Listen to Bishop Boyd

WHEN a head of a denomination speaks and speaks loudly on live television the content of his address has to be taken seriously. We should listen carefully to what Bishop Laish Boyd of the Anglican Church had to say as he said a lot.

Protecting our privacy?

Allyson Maynard Gibson’s defence of the controversial Interception of Communications Bill lacks credibility as she states that the authority for it would be placed “solely in the hands of the Independent Judiciary”.

Well-deserved extension

I am pleased to see that the Hon Chief Justice of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Sir Hartman Longley, has been granted an extension of his stellar career in this invaluable judicial office.

A civics lesson is needed

Two academics and an activist want to use disaffected Bahamian voters as guinea pigs. In what can only be described as some kind of weird social experiment these highly educated people want to run a ridiculous test that has as its goal the achievement of absolutely, positively nothing.

New Providence was never safer?

THE police have stepped up saturation patrols in crime hot spot areas.

We must reject govt snooping

The government’s proposal to make it easier to intercept private correspondence should send chills running down everyone’s spine, especially given the leaking of private emails.

The state of the Opposition

The call is  being made for the Opposition forces in the nation to unite, but that call is coming too late. We heard no such talk when the official Opposition and its leader kept their shoulder to the wheel in the role of opposing, even when those who were elected to those positions refused to be led; we now know that they could never be led or would not allow themselves to be lead anywhere by anyone.

Future health insurance plan

NHI - what will we get?

Politics of elections

A few weeks ago, the Hon Alfred Gray made what I believe to be a sobering statement - sort of was like... well with 6,000 new jobs the election is swung!

Halkitis, magician and joker

Perry Christie’s alter ego in the Ministry of Finance stepped completely out of character the other day and allowed himself to get caught up in the hype of the PLP convention.

Lessons from the Holocaust

I found it disturbing that while Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss was sharing with Bahamians her memories of the horrors inflicted on humanity by the Nazi Regime, our government was busy tabling the Interception of Communications Bill 2017 that would allow them to intercept and examine a person’s communications via telecommunications, internet and postal services.

Loose talk and loose spending

MORE and more totally loose talk from Cabinet Ministers - this time Hon Brave Davis at his walk-about at the new Baseball Stadium. I am told baseball is dying.

Racist rant must be challenged

This in reply to “The Graduate”, editorial letter 8th Feb 2017.

Rebels without a clue

“LIKE actors on a  stage directionless”. That is how I perceive the present Leader of the Opposition in the House of Assembly and her band of rebels.

In tribute to C.A.P. Smith

I READ with considerable sadness of the passing of C A P Smith, a former Permanent Secretary. I extend my profound sympathy to his wife Rachel and his children, all of whom I know personally and who CAP loved beyond measure.

Questions over FOIA

On the eve of the expected passing of the Freedom of Information Act, there is an expectation that we will have access to the information that will validate or discredit what we have been hearing from the present administration about what is going on in our nation; particularly the Baha Mar project and whatever agreements this administration has entered into with the Chinese government and those who operate on behalf of that regime.

The new voter register

As we seemingly continue to show national disinterest in registering to exercise our most valuable Constitutional power, I refer to the Parliamentary Act, and wonder was there a serious mistake in the process?

Wrong on Majority Rule Day

Talking fool is a very serious thing.

Straight answers

I read with frustration the awkward responses of the state minister for finance Michael Halkitis when asked to account for his “where the VAT money gone” speech at the Progressive Liberal Party’s recent convention.

Symonette the man to be leader

Re: Your editorial of Feb 2, 2017: “It’s Time For The Opposition To Get Its Act Together”, and in which you reference and quote the thrust of an excellent editorial letter by Luther McDonald published on January 24th.