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Baha Mar settlement committee

EXIM China, the loaner in this commercial private transaction is settling debts which the party they loaned moneys to created, namely BMD Holdings aka Baha Mar Ltd.

A foolish plan

I invite the Department of Labour to identify any country that has enacted such asinine legislation as floated in your publication under the above captioned headline.

Stupidity at BPL

MEMO to BPL/BEC: now that the generators have arrived and consideration is finally being given to preparing the installation site, it might be a good idea to ensure that adequate fuel will be available to actually operate the generators continuously - at least for a week or two. 

Order prevails

Dear Alfred, I trust that all is well with you and your immediate family.

Carnival fables and fairy tales

THERE is a recently released movie, a true story entitled, “Florence Foster Jenkins”.  This film aptly describes the state of leadership in our country today to a tee. 

Donation for favours?

US Air Ambulance firm donates computers to Centerville Urban Renewal, Farm Road one and the same and confirm they are very interested in bidding for the franchise to provide Air Ambulance Services to NHI, announced annual cost some $1,000,000.

Who to run for office?

I think Ed Fields would be an outstanding contributor and/ or possible candidate to help us ‘save’ this Bahamaland.

Changed for wrong reasons

It is so sad to see the careful destruction of the FNM, a party that many of us sacrificed our families to keep relevant. Many of us worked behind the scene and even without any fanfare, but for a genuine concern for the country.

PM gets last chance

IF I might use this medium to invite Bro’ Obie Ferguson to take a fully paid (by me) City & Country Tour of New Providence with one of our struggling Tour Companies, he would see first-hand that threats, such as he is making, are no more than a biblical “sounding Brass or clanging cymbal”.

Baha Mar deal

ONE can’t help but speculate as to what really “the deal” is between Christie and the Chinese. Let’s examine it from the Chinese perspective. They would have been fully aware of a number of facts.

Calling Mt Moriah

The proliferation of derelict vehicles, garbage, run down buildings and unkept streets through the inner city is disgusting and downright demoralising.

Tips for going back to school

Dear Parents (including myself) as school starts again let’s remember the following: Bullying is unacceptable.

The lights keep on going out

BEC or what’s that new name ... BP&L ... are they able to guarantee consumers in Nassau electricity?

The spinning PLP

I LAUGHED heartily reading the column by Stanley Cartwright ‘How many firms does it take to spin a lie?’ (September 5).

Delaporte needs to reconcile

Delaporte Point Limited (DPL) has for years been plagued with the questionable handling of company finances and the inability to release financial statements on time.

Blood pressure alert

One can always count on your Monday edition to raise one’s blood pressure sufficient to manage the week ahead.

Cheque received

To follow up on my previous letter . . .

Stop the naysaying

Rip Van Winkle is awake. Like a new born babe, he is screaming and kicking in excitement at the joy of finding a place in University of the Bahamas, National Health Insurance scheme and a real plan to complete the Baha Mar construction and open the hotel that was closed during his long, deep sleep.

Negotiating harm

Continually “negotiating” with government over the terms of negative public policy and suggesting this process helps make a bad public policy more palatable at the outset, is as corrupt as the bad policy itself.

An insult to the people

Why the Prime Minister’s Press Release on Baha Mar was a complete insult to the Bahamian people.

Addressing issue of pay for police

Good day. I would be grateful if you would kindly allow me some space in your newspaper to address some matters of concern.

It’s the gamble of a lifetime

While the details are grossly lacking about the “deal” declared by the Prime Minister relative to Baha Mar, right thinking Bahamians must give him the benefit of the doubt.

It’s reaping time for government

There are members in the Government of the past and present who have done wrong to God’s people by the stroke of a pen or by giving directives not to assist certain individuals or members of their family.

Billions of dollars

I heard on the BBC news today that Apple has $181bn in cash  parked in tax havens.

From college to university

Among the essentials for any development—whether of a product, or of a country, or of an institution, such as The College of The Bahamas—is history.