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Death knell for construction

The news that our government has granted China Construction America, CCA, five hundred work permits for the Pointe Project could be the death knell of a construction industry in this country already on its knees.

Over-reach by Minnis again

No matter how hard one tries to metaphorically give up Hubert Minnis for Lent, the good Doctor comes down with another case of foot-in-mouth disease.

Police help themselves

I read the business page of today’s Tribune, and particularly refer to Mr Rupert Roberts’ report on the Super Value crime situation, and the poor attitude of our police force.

Credit where it isn’t due

Lowering of fuel surcharge at BEC… just how can the government take any merit points for the global lowering of fuel/oil costs? Another example of delusionism of the PLP.

More is needed than trust

During the course of the final reading of the gender bills, the Member for Marathon sought to discredit the opinion of the Member for Marco City by producing an opinion provided by a leading QC from the United Kingdom.

Support for Baroness

Your leader column re Fred Mitchell’s support for Baroness Scotland (a member of the British establishment) for the post of Secretary General of the Commonwealth is most revealing. I could not fathom out Mitchell’s support over an established Caribbean diplomat in Sir Ronald Sanders. It seemed to go against the grain.

Carnival’s misguided strategy

I was inspired to write on the Junkanoo Carnival after reading your article in the newspaper of Monday, February 29, 2015, under the caption “Strategic approach to Carnival Marketing plan”.

The strength of Bahamian women

Bahamian women need to remember how valuable we are.

Equal rights

Have the writers missed an all important point where it concerns a person, non-Bahamian, applies for citizenship but they do not reside in The Bahamas that at 21 years they are bound to renounce their original citizenship in favour of Bahamian? We do not accept dual citizenship.

Problems with the NHI Bill

Please allow me space in your newspaper to express my views on the impending National Insurance Bill.

On The Pointe

There is a Chinese proverb along the lines: “With money you can buy a position, but not respect.”

Rusty Bethel’s appendix

Apropos your story on the missing appendix.....

Cabbage Beach access

Allow me space in your newspaper to address the recent issue of deprivation of access by Access Industries to Cabbage Beach of vendors, Bahamians and visitors alike.

Baha Mar vs The Pointe

I believe we have arrived at a moment in time when all concerned with Baha Mar and The Pointe projects should restrain their comments and resolve their grievances in a more polite manner than what we are seeing published in the media.

Three up and one down

As a trained lawyer and a strict constitutionalist, I will campaign for and support the passage of the first three of the proposed constitutional and gender equality bills. The fourth one, as it relates to the vague definition of ‘sex’ and its snide reference to gender, is the fabled Trojan Horse.

A Pointe-d error

Your readers don’t need me to elaborate on the storms of controversy swirling around the unfinished towers of Baha Mar and its Chinese bankers and contractors.

Signage at the airport

I have just returned from a pleasant visit to see friends in New Providence. My return home was, however, not assisted by the signage at the airport.

In answer to Pointe builders

We should all wish The Pointe project well. The people of The Bahamas don’t need another unfinished China Construction America project looming on their skyline, especially one at the gateway to its historic downtown.

Closer to equality

The Bahamas took a giant step forward Wednesday when House members put political differences aside to overwhelmingly support the four gender equality Bills.

Why I will be voting no

WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2016 has been hailed as an historic day by FNM and PLP parliamentarians, because of the passing of the four Constitutional Amendment Bills on gender equality in the legislature.

Cast your vote for our future

AS members of parliament voted on the constitutional equality bills yesterday, I am reminded that far too many people in The Bahamas are prejudiced against women; far too many people are bigots owing to their religious indoctrination; and far too many people are ignorant to their own human rights.

Mortgage companies

I understand before loaning money the lender naturally wishes to be secure but there surely is a limit. What is Mortgage Insurance?

A word to Michael Scott

There are some people and things that truly do not deserve the attention they seek, but I just couldn’t help myself.

Gray’s violent rhetoric

MICAL MP Alfred Gray’s challenge to Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins ‘‘to join him outside’’ Parliament whenever he is ready may have been amusing to those present in the House, but to the thousands of responsible, law-abiding denizens of Nassau, it underscored the gratuitous violence gripping the beleaguered capital.

FNM must unite to end crisis

The Free National Movement (FNM) is in a political crisis of epic proportions. There is no continuity of opposition and it appears to be getting worse.