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Dr. Minnis: A question of character

Opposition leaders daydream of a perfect storm that they could ride into power: a proliferation of crises, policy failures by the government, divisions within the governing party and scandals in the government.

Deception, deflection and deceipt

It boggles my mind to no end the direction this country is headed.

Would you pay for a ‘pig in a poke’?

“A Pig in a Poke” is defined as “something that is foolishly bought or accepted without knowing its value or seeing it first” and that is exactly what the Receivers and Colliers International are foisting on parties that they try to induce into buying Baha Mar’s assets.


I have been following the news lately and I noticed that first Senator Michael Pintard was being painted as a whistle-blower whose only public charge was not going to the local authorities with the information he had uncovered.

The Eastern Road has changed

Re: Tribune 17 March 2016,  Eastern Road Crime Awareness – Whatsapp Chat Group.

Turning from our friends

There are many accusations that can be levied against this present administration, however, being sagacious is not one of them. Let me give an example of what I mean.

Emails row

Humans are perhaps the strangest of animals and often do not see what other creatures do.

Our quality of life

A quality of life could be found between the arms of love and reason.

Concerns about NHI scheme

While Bahamians are in support of a universal health care plan, I believe catastrophic care should be a major concern because basic care is already free.

FNM must grasp opportunity

The recent resignation of Michael Pintard has given the FNM an awesome opportunity to begin to “clean up its act”. The rapid deterioration of the image of the FNM needs to be addressed forthwith.

Freeport issues

The Our Lucaya Resort - Freeport. What will the property fetch?

Disgraceful MPs

Last evening while watching the “debate” on Parliamentary TV, I was again struck by the demeanor of our politicians especially those on the government side.

Unmitigated disaster

So Frank Watson is “exasperated” with FNM Leader Hubert Minnis and doesn’t know if the FNM can “take any more” of him.

Cabbage Beach access

As this newspaper has reported, there has been a controversy brewing at Cabbage Beach.

This thing called Bahamian

TV News Friday showed persons at Social Services packaging food packages... the bananas in the package were foreign...the brand name was very visible. Minister Gray what happened to the BAMSI bananas - surely priority should be that Social Services have a good supply? Let’s save costs for starters.

Mother’s anger at Mitchell

WE ARE appalled at the unmitigated gall of Fred Mitchell in attacking Tribune columnist Adrian Gibson in the House of Assembly today about two columns he wrote seeking an inquiry into the death of my son, Christopher Prescott Adderley, while on remand in Haiti.

Pointe needs explanation

It shocks and amazes me that with the economic severity in our economy, not only for the construction worker, but seriously for the Construction Company’s who post the Baha Mar debacle (remember collectively Bahamian Construction companies are owed over S100m) that few are saying or complaining.

Equality referendum

My comments - on the passing of the Gender Equality bills in both the lower house and senate of parliament, all should say well done; and vote for all the amendments, as, I did in 2002, and will do again in this upcoming referendum.

Darville responds

I am loathe to have to defend my character or name in public; for ever since a little boy growing up on Long Island, my countenance spoke clearly for itself. At this moment, however, I do find it necessary to draft this declaration. It was actually motivated by a post by one of my long time associates, Mr Peter Carey, who wrote:

60,000 reasons for McPhee

As Parliamentarians from the FNM and PLP continue to vouchsafe alleged secret plots against high ranking government officials and Save The Bay officials, Mount Calvary Baptist Church Pastor Dr Philip McPhee spoke graciously of Canadian billionaire Peter Nygard, the embattled Lyford Cay resident.

Police trust

We will enjoy continued reductions in crime by identifying and addressing criminal  behaviour.

Scum of the Earth

I wish to begin this letter by first offering my condolences to the family, friends, schoolmates, and teachers of the Government High School student, who was tragically and needlessly killed in a senseless rock-throwing incident.

Pintard working to tackle crime

There is always a battle between a man’s pride and his position in life. Some of the most successful people are so because they have found a balance between their position in life and their pride.

The rights of women

Approximately fourteen years ago, I enjoyed the single most important moment of my Parliamentary career; I was privileged to speak and vote on a series of Constitutional Amendments.

Shameful behaviour

I have to comment on the gender referendum – I read and support the sentiments of the letter writer, Ms Cynthia Smith, and watching the airing of the debate from The Senate this moreso than ever confirms the gross hypocrisy of the female PLP representatives when they relate to this issue and call-down the past champions of Bahamian Women’s Rights who have to be totally aghast, shocked that it took 54 years since Bahamian Women voted for women to have equal Constitutional Rights.