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Why I won’t vote

The proposed Referendum - simply I do not intend participating nor any of my direct and indirect family will as a protest for the Christie Government making a total mockery of the Numbers Referendum. I recommend everyone else to do the same.

Our shame over Cabbage Beach

I have, for my own purposes, visited Cabbage Beach prior to the lawless demonstrations that took place on Monday. We should all hang our heads in shame.

Disrespect at funeral service

On Sunday past, February 21, 2016, I had the pleasure of attending the homegoing service of Ms Avis Marina Sands at 2.30pm. At the “Historic Cathedral in the south”, St Agnes, where she was a pillar and stalwart member, who worshipped with her family faithfully for many years, “according to the Rector Reverend I Ranfurly Brown,” whose comprehensive, theological discourse was well received, assisted by Father’s Stephen Davies, Neil Nairn, Canon Warren Rolle. it was a lovely homegoing service.

Did China assess Baha Mar?

This past week, there were a lot of articles concerning Baha Mar – a lot of speculation and conjectures and I was wondering whether the government of The People’s Republic of China might have carried out an investigation as to why Baha Mar applied for protection under US Chapter 11 and subsequently applied to the Courts of The Bahamas for ratification of the US Chapter 11 Petition seeing that Baha Mar had presumably borrowed enough to cover everything?

Mitchell’s ignorance

FRED Mitchell states that  one of the reasons for declaring that Cuban detainee Marin was “a flight risk” was that Marin had “previous service in the Cuban military” (sounds ominous doesn’t it).

Age just a number

Prime Minister Perry Christie’s decision to lead the PLP into the 2017 general elections at the ripe age of 73 might have been partially influenced by American geopolitics.

A man that has beaten the odds

Last night, Hon Andrew Holness, Jamaica’s JLP Leader, whose leadership came under question time and time again from his own party members, won the election against Portia Simpson Miller and the JLP, a party that was predicted to win by a landslide by just about every forecast done!

Keep gender debate non-partisan

This week, House Members are scheduled to vote on the four gender equality Bills.

How far ahead do we plan?

I see the series of ‘Outlook Seminars’ are starting their 2016 series….have to ask: for what betterment the speakers never are candid - dance around the subject matter and the politicians just make a farce of them so really I conclude a waste of a day and the attendance fee.

NHI: No cost to you! Seriously?

In a recent online publication by Dr Delon Brennen touting the new National Health programme, he mentioned the words NO COST TO YOU no less than four times and FREE once in the space of one minute. I do not know how this man can sleep at night knowing that what he is telling the Bahamian public is not true.

Political cowardice

It is an appalling act of cowardice that the powers that be should attempt to throw the attorney who appeared for the Crown in the habeas corpus application under the bus.

Action, not bickering

I was dismayed to read your article of February 24th “Minnis lacks support of white Bahamians”. It is unfortunate that attorney Michael Scott thought it appropriate to make a generalisation about people’s opinion based on skin colour, something I think that has no place in today’s society.

Web shop economic impact

It is very interesting that few, if any, of those persons who complain about the depressed state of the Bahamas economy, consider the impact that the web shops have, and continue to have, in this regard.

Cuban doctors to spread socialism?

As I travelled down the valley of life, I banked around a corner and smelled what appeared to be a decaying rat. As I went further, the smell increased and, lo and behold, at the end of the valley there was indeed a dead rat, the proposed National Health Insurance plan.

Were hecklers hired for meeting?

According to The Nassau Guardian, between eight to 10 young men disrupted an FNM Torchbearers nomination meeting on Wednesday night.

Cuban case highlights Rufa matter

For those who weren’t sure what to make of the case of Bruno Rufa in Freeport, the case of the Cubans is instructive.

What does the PLP fear?

Another postponement of the PLP convention - clearly the leadership fears something as a convention is totally controlled and only involves three-four days at the most.

Decline of Bay Street

It is truly said that “it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good”.

Hawksbill meddling

Hawksbill and Grand Bahama Port Authority - looks as if PM Christie wants to meddle here now.

PAC asleep at the wheel

Why is the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee fast asleep at the wheel?

No respect for neighbours

This is an open letter directed to the new occupants of a certain “Apartment No. 3”, located within the Sandilands Village community.

Late to the parade

Re: PM: NHI Delay Likely As Govt Tries To Get It Right.

A different side of the RBDF

Thank you for allowing me time and space to share a matter of public interest to the Bahamian people, first because it involves a key “organ of national security”, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force; and second because of that vaunted responsibility, this organisation has assumed certain obligations that must be upheld.

Cuban row

During my short stint in politics, I participated in a public meeting at which my good friend and then fellow senator, the late Dr Cleveland Eneas, quoted the following famous statement: “Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”

FNM infighting will come to end

Please allow me to respond in kind to an editorial in your paper that commented on a letter written to your paper by one Kevin Evans on February 15th, on “attack dogs” in the FNM party.