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Fiddling while Nassau burns

Re:  Nottage Preparing To Make Music Not War.

Mule vs the Horse

Thank you for the opportunity to address the current leader of the FNM who was on ZNS with Darold Miller today (Monday).

In support of MP Lightbourn

I am writing in reference to the headline implying that Mr Richard Lightbourn, MP is a racist.

The voice of Bahamians

Truly I am amazed at a very significant issue that transpired in the Holy Bible. It involves the last days of Jesus Christ on earth.

Gone fishin’

The Bahamian people have misinterpreted the generosity of the Chinese munitions factories, and all one hears today is “what is the defence force going to do with all of those grenades” ?

The row within the FNM

It both surprises and amuses me to some degree that Senator Lanisha Rolle, Maurice Moore and others feel that they can threaten, bully, berate and intimidate FNMs into supporting Dr Hubert Minnis. So…ok…this might succeed to some extent with elected party officers, Members of Parliament and candidates from whom the party is in a position to withhold nominations, appointments and the like.

Mitchell’s tactics

I see now that Fred Mitchell is trying to intimidate into silence anyone who opposes his random behaviour or questions his wild ego.

No confidence over election?

Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller’s suggestion that Prime Minister Perry Christie should call a snap election in either June or July lends the impression that he isn’t confident at all that the PLP can take on an invigorated, cohesive FNM.

Drone regulations

I read that this am and noted that it does not say “drones” as we have come to use the term for multi-propeller radio controlled aerial photography devices/platforms, but rather “unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft” which would include ALL radio controlled airplanes, helicopters and drones...and debatably even kites which are be controlled...hmmm...kite sailing too?

BTC’s 4G data is garbage

I recently purchased a new smartphone from an electronics store in the Mall, which I needed for the convenience of doing business in this modern age; and already, I’m beginning to regret that decision.

MP was invited by Governor General

The February 3 edition of The Tribune carried a Letter to the Editor from Margaret Humes which essentially questions the composition of the delegation that travelled with Her Excellency the Governor General to various Family Islands devastated by Hurricane Joaquin.

Reforming male identity in our culture

“You like man.” It’s a phrase we heard in recent years, and it has become a cliché in everyone’s minds to revile men who are “soft”. 

Truth, facts and interpretation

There are a lot of quotes about the truth. And like any good quote they are immediately applicable to our society.

Did granting bail cause more murders?

There is basic evidence in the number of cases where persons on bail killed people on bail.

Not a happy family

Re:  Minnis: Keep It In The Family. The Tribune, January 27, 2016

Cease and desist

I am an FNM. I feel Loretta Butler-Turner and her band of Merry Men need to cease and desist with their foolish distractions.

Receivers are all that matter

“IZMIRLIAN seeks Baha  Mar talks” by Ms Khrisna Virgil seems to miss that there is a court appointed receiver totally, 100 per cent in charge of Baha Mar.

A frightening prospect

Does China’s “gift” of military equipment and weaponry tie in with Prime Minister Christie’s warning that new crime strategies may impact freedom of movement?

Judges and the public interest

I welcome Justice Anita Allen’s response to those of us in the wider public and press who have grown increasingly impatient with perceived failures of the court, which we view as a significant causative factor in the crime wave we are witnessing.

A blind eye to our changing nation

Is the old Palm Hotel West Bay Street a Holiday Inn or a Courtyard Hotel?

Taking a liberty

I read with interest this morning’s Tribune article detailing the gift of military hardware from The People’s Republic of China to our government and the RBDF.

Intolerable situation

The appointment of Lanisha Rolle to the Senate on the advice of Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis was at the outset a huge political blunder. Subsequent events may prove that it may have been the biggest blunder by a political leader in recent times and the self-designed improvised explosive device that will blow up the leadership aspirations of Hubert Minnis.

Gibson and greed

Does anyone else think its ironic for Minister Gibson to call anyone greedy? Does anyone else worry when Fred Mitchell decides to ignore judicial decisions?

Focus on issues

I just did a poll in my office with 25 young voters. 72 per cent of them never even heard of Senator Lanisha Rolle.

51st State

To the response to the federal agents coming into The Bahamas.