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The definition of delusional

• DELUSIONAL • Examples

Stand up to the US

On January 5, the United States Embassy in Nassau issued a crime warning to its citizens residing in and those travelling to The Bahamas.

Make it a better New Year

Happy New Year everybody and Happy New Year Bahamas.

Praise for air traffic team

It seems that every letter that appears in the Press these days is always dealing with matters in a negative way.

Honours Bill

On the 11th November, 2015, the Government tabled the National Honours Bill. The Bill was sent to Committee and immediately there commenced a mad rush to have the Committee report back to Parliament by the 9th December in response to the Prime Minister’s mandate to that effect.

Christmas promotions by banks

Pre-run up to Christmas the majority of the banks had promotions encouraging people to take out loans to meet, their words, to pay for vacations, purchasing for Christmas etc… items clearly the person did not have the money in the bank to use.

Munroe’s comments reflect our society

When Wayne Munroe, QC and prominent attorney, made his asinine comment suggesting that illegal immigrants, and particularly Haitians, should be flogged as a deterrent to illegal migration to the Bahamas, he was met with nearly universal condemnation from the Bahamian public.

A need to deal with crime

At 4.40am on Sunday, I lay in my bed and listened to the multiple gunshots that took the life of a young Bahamian husband, father, son and entrepreneur Michael Deangelo Bethel while seriously injuring his wife and two other travelling companions.

More reasons to check bills

I thank Nicole Burrows’ for her Politicole article on December 22 entitled “Check your BTC bills (and Cable Bahamas)” which addressed some of her unhappy and unfortunate billing experiences with the two communications monopolies in this country.

Upset over choir row at Memories

On this past Christmas Eve night, the Grand Bahama Youth Choir – upon the invitation of the Memories Entertainment Director – put on a command performance at the Memories Resort at Lucaya for guests.

Waiting for eyes to open

The Bible book of Genesis, Chapter 2, speaking of Adam and Eve, ends with “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”

The bridge and illusions

Another Christmas has come and gone. On that date this year we recorded yet another alleged homicide and, according to the police, another suspected suicide.

Munroe’s talk

Of late, several remarks made by Wayne Munroe, QC, have been very troubling to me.

Is George Smith joking about NHI?

So George Smith says not to worry about the cost of National Health Insurance, just be happy that we are doing such a great thing. That is the height of irresponsibility coming from one who should now be giving the kind of advice expected from a senior statesman.

Minnis’ attitude to women

I cannot adequately express my disappointment with the drivel masquerading as a tribute by the Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Hubert Minnis, to mark the 53rd anniversary of the enfranchisement of Bahamian women in 1962.

Carmita Edwards

It was with a great sense of sadness that I learned of the death of the late Carmita Louise Edwards.

Corporal punishment

Wayne Munroe’s statement-opinion is irrational and does not take into consideration The Bahamas commitments to UN and UNHCR Conventions.

Flights to Cuba

Has anyone else taken note of the agreement that was signed between Cuba and the US Government on December 16th that will allow as many as 110 scheduled flights daily between those countries?

Children are our future

Thank you for your support, as it relates to building a better and stronger Bahamas, knowing that your newspaper’s letters column does play a vital role in the development of The Bahamas and the way forward. Again thank you for your space.

Christmas cheer with a grain of salt

Let me pour a bit of cheer in your Christmas egg-nog - mixed with a grain of salt.

Poor motorbike show

On Sunday, December 20, my family and I attended the 242 All Star Peace and Love Motorbike Showcase and Stunt Competition. Sad to say that the reputation for event organisation in this country has yet another black mark against it.

A promise

I note the PM “promises” good news on crime fight in the Saturday’s Guardian.

Neglected Freeport casino

The recent pronouncements by Minister Darville about improved tourism on Grand Bahama for 2016 are indeed encouraging.

Christmas political correctness

Recently, there was a fascinating TV programme showing how the White House was decorated for the holiday season.

Skip the lunch and help the poor

IN the true meaning and feeling of the Coming Christ’s Birth surely our MPs,Senators and Staff of the Parliament could have fa r more productively spent the approx, $7,500.00 or possibly more expended for the lunch at the Hilton today by organising a Christmas treat in every constituency for the poor?