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Act for country, not promises

The leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Dr Hubert Minnis, has called himself a man of his convictions. The trouble for him is that 15 months before the next general election nine out of 10 Bahamians can’t identify one issue around which he has shown conviction in the three and a half years that he has been in the job. The leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Dr Hubert Minnis, has called himself a man of his convictions. The trouble for him is that 15 months before the next general election nine out of 10 Bahamians can’t identify one issue around which he has shown conviction in the three and a half years that he has been in the job.

Right to an opinion

I would like to suggest to Prime Minister Perry Christie that if anyone in his Government is going to speak to the press, presumably on his behalf, that they be required to attend a Dale Carnegie course so that they can learn to speak to and of people with kindness and respect.

French lesson

I have two phrases which I suggest students learning French should look up.

PM blasting through traffic

Has the Prime Minister totally lost all sense of humility and respect for the public?

Really, Mr Watson?

How did your reporter draw the conclusion that Frank Watson’s comments were surprising or candid?

Time to work it out

Thank you for allowing me space for this open letter to Dr Hubert Minnis. Mrs Loretta Butler -Turner and Mr Branville McCartney.

Sporting recognition for Ivan Johnson

Few of us know the publisher of The Punch newspaper was quite a cricket player in England during the 1970s and it’s about time he gets some recognition for it.

Grandma knows best

Re:  PM: We Will Press On With NHI As We Have The Right Advice – The Tribune, January 22, 2016.

Calling on real FNMs to settle differences

Please be kind enough to allow me a few lines to address those “True FNMs”, and “Disgruntled Long Island FNM” that wrote concerning the state of the FNM Council, on January 14 and 21 this month.

Senator has no right to doubt Butler-Turner

l am amazed reading this morning’s Guardian 22/2016, and the oft-handed comment from Senator Lanisha Rolle, which is inappropriate, and out of order.

Is Lightbourn spokesperson for the anti-Minnis faction?

The November 16, 2015 edition of National Review gave a thumbnail, supercilious assessment of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis by stating that he is uninspiring, ineffectual, and that he lacks the capability of uniting a team around him.

Health statistics

THERE should be no one who would wish and not support a viable/proper NHI programme but those criteria must be evident and experienced.

A frustrated driver

I am writing to the person/persons who are responsible for the road works in Nassau. I am a resident of the Western District and one who has to travel on Nassau Street, at least twice per day east to west; west to east, and just the thought of having to do this sickens me.

NHI turmoil

NHI - the PM will save us all a lot of stress let alone money which he loves to spend on consultants if he simply convenes a meeting with the two Doctors groups - the Insurance providers and then seemingly find a solution to an impasse created by his government.

Stand united or fall divided

We, as a country, have become divided between those who have and those who have not. We have become divided by crime, by loss. Divided by terror and those who terrorise and now we have become divided by ideals.

Hornet’s nest

Lanisha Rolle’s comments seemed to have disturbed a hornet’s nest! 

Mass exodus from the FNM

The past undemocratic behaviour by Hubert Minnis is simply counterproductive. The many mysterious manoeuvrings with the constituency associations especially before the last convention will eventually be his Achilies heel.

A response to 66 Steps letter

Motivational speaker Dale Carnegie said, “any fool can condemn, criticise and complain, and most do”. This is the only conclusion I can draw from a letter published in The Tribune January 18, by one Derek Forbes commenting on the recent marriage of my son Gavin, to Nikia Deveaux, a beautiful, intelligent, young woman with Long Island roots.

Butler-Turner and Minnis cannot co-exist

FNM Leader Dr Hubert  Minnis and Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner can no longer logically coexist within the FNM party. If the January 25 edition of The Punch’s lead story concerning Butler-Turner allegedly hurling obscenities at FNM Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest in the House of Assembly is true, then it is time that the opposition’s hierarchy come to the sobering realisation that the relationship between Minnis and the Long Island MP has been ruptured beyond repair.

Roberts and the Bible

In The Nassau Guardian, published January 21, PLP Chair Bradley Roberts, in taking potshots at PLP defectors Renward Wells and Dr Andre Rollins, referenced the New Testament account of Jesus, His disciples and His betrayal for silver.

Senator Rolle must resign

The disgusting behaviour of Senator Lanisha Rolle towards Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner was despicable and downright nasty to say the least.

Lanisha Rolle an embarrassment

Senator Lanisha Rolle has been a terrible embarrassment to the FNM. Out of the blue she was leapfrogged over seasoned and veteran FNMs to become a senator.

Gibson’s blame

So Shane Gibson thinks the doctors are “greedy” for not signing on to his “pig in a poke” NHI programme.

Ranfurly Brown

I am compelled as a Born Again Child of God to address, by publicly expressing my views on the ungodly precedence set by stripping Archdeacon Ranfurly Brown.

A former Minnis supporter

I am a sitting member of the FNM’s executive committee. I am an FNM of long standing and I do not owe my position to Hubert Minnis.