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Say sorry to Gomez

Howard Johnson’s candid explanation on how he was able to leapfrog Monique Gomez for the South Beach nomination for the FNM has finally put to rest the misguided notion that Dr Hubert Minnis has set up a political pogrom with the aim of purging the party of Ingrahamites. However, it did very little in healing the ever widening rift within the FNM between the Minnis and Loretta Butler-Turner factions.

Minnis is afraid to call convention

Former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette said the Free National Movement should hold a convention before the next election. I don’t think we can wait that long – we urgently, desperately need a change in leadership, and we need it now!

Hard truth

Re: Lisa Johnson, US Chargé d’Affaires - ”Jet Ski Alert Came after Repeated Complaints by Embassy Ignored.”

Ranfurly Brown, a real man

THE Ghetto News Network (GNN) has confirmed that Archdeacon I Ranfurly Brown has been stripped of his title Archdeacon because he did not apologise to Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie.

Minnis not the man to unite FNM

The Bahamas finds itself in a bit of a quandary. On one hand, there is a government that is so clueless that it has wreaked havoc on every foundational pillar of this civilised society and patted themselves on the back while doing so. Additionally, it seems that they have even more creative ways of increasing their destructive influence on this nation.

We must tackle the causes of crime

I was saddened to hear of the vicious home invasion inflicted on Rev Major and his family. It is depressing that elderly persons who have contributed  greatly to the growth of our nation should suffer such fear and indignity.

Response to Rufa letter

A letter written by Judson Demeritte in today’s edition of The Tribune makes certain assertions with regard to the actions of the Department of Immigration in the case of Bruno Rufa. The assertions made in the letter are materially incorrect and without foundation.

66 steps - so many questions

Much talk about the wedding at 66 Steps Saturday.


Excellent Editorial today (Jan 18, 2016– Fred Mitchell chides US Chargé d’Affaires).

FNM council

I would appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to respond to a letter written in your valuable newspaper on Thursday, January 14, 2014, under the caption “Call to arms for all true FNMs”, “I am also a former candidate in the Free National Movement (FNM), and currently sit in the General Council of the Free National Movement.

Cut out the press releases

I thought of a good New Year’s resolution for The Tribune.

What else is being hidden?

Why should it have taken a press interview of the Head of the US Embassy here to find out that the recent rape was not the first but there were at least four more, but no one hear about them?

Rufa case hurts our nation

I know nothing at all about Canadian Freeport resident Bruno Rufa personally as a human being, nothing of his interests, hobbies, personal characteristics or otherwise.


Can someone explain to me the reason for the treatment of. Monique Gomez, the President of the women’s association of the FNM, who was denied the nomination for the South Beach Constituency, after working assiduously in the area non-stop from the last election to be treated with such disdain.

Time to unite with Minnis

The attack on Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard in your paper today by a former Candidate and Council Member of the party is unwarranted and most distressing.

Call to arms for all true FNMs

FREE National Movement chairman Michael Pintard has either been left out in the cold by the party’s leadership or he is being less than straightforward with the Bahamian people.

FNM candidates

CAN someone explain to me the reason for the disdainful treatment of Monique Gomez, the President of the women’s association of the Free National Movement, who was denied the nomination for the South Beach constituency after working assiduously in the area non-stop from the last election?

Lethal weapon?

Perhaps the owner of this 5/16 inch sheet metal sign, which blew out of its frame, at the Fort Montagu/Shirley Street junction last week would like to pick it up and dispose of it.

Bachelor MPs should not be PM

In early December renowned South Floridian radio personality Joyce Kaufman and a female guest on her 850 WFTL afternoon show discussed the unlikelihood of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham – a 60-year-old bachelor becoming the next president of the United States.

Fighting crime

I refer to the headline in Tuesday’s January 5, 2016 publication of The Nassau Guardian, entitled; “Change Leaders – in Crime Fight” and the comments of Mr Quinn McCartney, former Deputy Commissioner of Police. It appears, that the former DCP is blaming the Commissioner of Police, his executive team and members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force for the increase in murders in our country.

Killing The Bahamas

LAST week, a man was sentenced by a magistrate to a mere ten months for possession of a nine millimetre pistol, an instrument whose only purpose is to kill or injure human beings. According to police, upon arrest the accused made a statement rationalising his possession of the weapon on the grounds of his need for protection, having stolen $2,000.00 worth of drugs from another drug dealer. So far from minimising his culpability, the explanation contained an admission of another serious criminal offence.

To families of murder victims

Less than a week ago, we were in celebratory mode. Then, in the blink of an eye, fireworks and parades turned to gunshots and bloodbaths. Just like that, the insidious problems of 2015 crept into 2016 and just like that the New Year started to feel a lot like the same old same.

Who will determine eligibility?

Beginning January 18, 2016 the government will initiate registration for their National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme through the National Insurance Board (NIB), who will determine eligibility for the programme.

Plot to stack the FNM council in Minnis’ favour revealed

There is a move afoot, which, if it comes to fruition, will make today – January 7, 2016 – a day that lives in infamy for all who care about the ethos and integrity of the Free National Movement.

Munroe flogging comments

A letter to the The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, London