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Inquiry needed on Ruffin tax

Kindly allow me space to address this matter for clarification, regarding the unpaid casino taxes owed by the former owner of the Crystal Palace Casino, Mr. Phil Ruffin, and a related story that was reported in the Business Section of your newspaper this past Friday.

Of plastic, straw and a health plan made of dreams

Gotta laugh out of the new TV ad appearing promoting a Debt Card - this one more than smart it is incredible it can read your bill and make sure the restaurant or shop only charges you the correct amount of the purchase!

Roberts responds to editorial

My attention is again drawn to the journalism terrorism of Eileen Dupuch Carron, the Publisher/Editor of The Tribune in her editorial of Tuesday, February 16, 2016 titled “Bradley Roberts questions editor’s opinion of FNM Leader”.

Headlights on full

I HAVE noticed recently that as soon as darkness falls and lights are turned on, more and more drivers have their car headlights on full, thus impairing the vision of other drivers.

Keep Roberts quiet for all our sakes!

NORTH Korea Leader Kim Jung-Un is in a lot of hot water with the United States and global leaders for pursuing a nuclear programme. 

Rufa case prompts alarm

I write this letter to you as a 25-year resident of Lyford Cay to express concern and trepidation regarding the treatment of second home owners Bruno Rufa, his partner Sandra Georgiou, and neighbour, Nanci Salvisburg.

No running water in Cat Island

Man can live without food for three to five days but will die without water for one day.

Climate change

In an effort to mitigate the risks associated with sea level increases, temperature increases and other ecological impairments, climate change scientists and leaders of developed and developing countries are co-operatively engaged in the development of greenhouse gas reduction strategies and climate change mitigation policies.

A mole within the FNM

The mole or secret agent within the FNM who is sympathetic to Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner’s cause was behind the leakage of a confidential email authored by Butler-Turner that was forwarded to FNM Chair Michael Pintard. The mole evidently was intending to further sully FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ leadership image by having another internal squabble between the Minnis and Butler-Turner camps publicised by The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian.

Now it’s Nottage . . .

In his vainglorious attempt to sell the idea of a nationalised healthcare system (NHI), Dr. Bernard Nottage inadvertently calls the government healthcare system into question.


The comment as to how we can possibly correct our unacceptable level of unemployment is totally mired in politics - the constant is laughable that even if the Ministry of Labour challenges the accuracy of the Department of Statistics.

Another light sentence

Anyone following sentencing by Magistrates for gun possession, and then following the names of repeat offenders that pop up every few months or years, charged with the same offence, will be left with no sense of wonderment as to the principle reason for the high rate of gun violence in the country.

More evidence of judicial failure

While it gives me no pleasure to continue to point out the direct and indisputable role that Bahamian Judges and their inept decisions play in the continued breakdown of law and order in The Bahamas, I feel it would be irresponsible on my part not to highlight on a consistent basis the weekly instances that evidence that link.

What would Nero do?

Re: Nottage Preparing To Make Music Not War (The Tribune, February 2).

Time to call off the attack dogs

Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner should give serious consideration to calling off the attack dogs from her camp, who have launched an aggressive smear campaign against FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

Ministers expose Gov’t healthcare shortcomings

In his vainglorious attempt to sell the idea of a nationalised healthcare system (National Health Insurance), Dr Bernard Nottage inadvertently calls the Government healthcare system into question.

Road Traffic failure

Kindly allow me space in your columns to lodge a complaint with the Road Traffic Department as their phone rang unanswered this morning.

Better without

IN today’s Tribune, there seems to be great concern as to who is standing in for PM Christie, while he is away in Switzerland, dealing with urgent matters with Mediterranean Shipping Company. Who cares who is in charge?

The truth about being gay

Hello I’m a gay Bahamian teen in Nassau and I have lived here for my whole life not being anywhere else I attend church and have a mother and father.

Major overhaul needed

My thanks to Dr Nottage, who has hired professional help from the FBI at last. But I’m still wondering something.

Minnis camp playing race card?

The Free National Movement has been the most inclusive, impartial, multi-racial political party in the history of The Bahamas.

A response to Dept of Immigration

The Department of Immigration took a poor view of my position in my letter of January 17 titled “Rufa case hurts our nation”, accusing me of making assertions that are “materially incorrect and without foundation” and of outlining a history in the case that is simply “wrong” as it relates to how it has treated Canadian citizen and long-time Freeport resident, Bruno Rufa.

More nonsense from Minnis

Just when it looked like FNM Leader Hubert Minnis may have exhausted his propensity for foolishness he comes up with more of the silly stuff. His latest nonsense is his continued coddling of Senator Lanisha Rolle after her unprecedented and savage attack on the FNM’s sitting Members of Parliament.

Patronage and purges

Enquiring minds all over this country want to know what’s wrong with the Free National Movement. They ask and then answer their own question. Dr Hubert Minnis is what’s wrong with the once great party.

NHI to fail

THE decision of the government  to push ahead with NHI is not surprising. They have a firmly established reputation of making poor and expensive decisions on behalf of the people they were elected to serve.