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A terrible descent

Please allow me space in your valued journal to ask some burning questions and express deep concern about the descent of our country into hitherto unknown and frightening depths, as manifested in recent statements by members of the governing party.

A crude suggestion from one in silk

I watched as the blogs exploded over comments from the educated attorney cum political henchman Wayne Munroe, clothed now in silk.

A tribute to Colin Callender

I learned, with regret and deep sadness, of the death of Colin Callender today. He was truly a remarkable Bahamian and I was privileged to know him in a unique and special capacity. I would like to share a special and particular encounter, in testament to his rich legacy of stewardship to his beloved homeland.

Disgust at Wayne Munroe on flogging

No word in the English dictionary can accurately describe my extreme disgust, revulsion and shock at the “verbal diarrhoea” that spewed from the protuberant lips of prominent attorney, Queen’s Council, and now Progressive Liberal Party member, Wayne Munroe, regarding immigration and how to properly deal with people who enter our country illegally.

‘Speedy’ ambassador appointment

The Prime Minister is upping his game and dramatically speeding up his decision-making on the pressing affairs of state. Exhibit A in this regard is the “lightning speed” with which he has named an Ambassador to China.

Time to put faith in the system

Kudos to the police who are clearly doing their job very well.

A message to the PM

God has elevated you to leadership of this great nation and has also given you an anointing to carry out the mandate of the people, it is incumbent upon you as leader to take the proverbial bull by the horn and lead us with trepidation as this is the requirement of this nation.

History lessons for the DNA

Last week, we were treated to an astonishing piece of political theatre by the DNA when the Deputy Chairman of that vanity party made his contribution to the debate over National Health Insurance. The trouble is deciding what kind of theatre it was. But one thing is clear: if the DNA was dealing with this nation’s affairs it would clearly be a tragedy.

We need help in the face of ISIS

In the sudden turn of events in Nassau, where SWAT teams are already locking everything down, there’s that one thing that many gangsters would turn for attention - ISIS, or the Islamic State Group, which is already hiring people from the Eastern countries and in recent events, now recruiting people from within Trinidad.

NHI and wasted cash

The only cartel I’m aware of was the Colombian Cartel that thrived under the Pindling regime with the rot and corruption morphing into today’s horrendous crime problem.

It’s time to end this feud

Regarding the letter published in your paper by Save The Bays:

RBC fails yet again

Last week you were kind enough to publish my letter regarding the level of service experienced by myself and many others at Royal Bank of Canada. Please allow me a few lines to provide an update...

Bahamas problems

It seems we love to do things to annoy the hell out of us rather than reduce the stress and anxieties.

Heads of agreement

What are the implications of the Supreme Court judgment, the Immigration decision where finally the Court has confirmed what was known all of the while that law dictates what happens and not “political policy”.

Stand against crime

From the moment I got the news that my former colleague and close friend had been murdered, life has not been the same.

Rising up, onward bound


Vile video must not be defended

Today’s Guardian featured story, “Moss Stands by Party Chairman - Vulgar video makes social media rounds after UDP announcement”, happened to be published on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.

Minnis’ major blunders

Since his election as FNM Leader last year, Dr Hubert Minnis, over the course of 2015, has further destroyed his credibility and harmed the good name, identity and credibility of the FNM. After over three years as Leader he has demonstrated little capacity to improve and seems averse to taking good advice.

How many local workers?

The Pointe... Can the Prime Minister please advise us how many Chinese construction workers have been permitted to work on The Pointe?

Our money is draining away

From my unenlightened perspective at least, the financial outlook for our country is truly grim.

Blackbeard’s Cay: Take action now

The following is an open letter to Prime Minister Christie regarding the continued operation of the facility known as Blackbeard’s Cay in defiance of a Supreme Court order.

Political pressure from Bell

I am flabbergasted that no less a person than Keith Bell should have opened his mouth to berate the Commissioner of Police, Elliston Greenslade.


Everybody is talking about crime on the surface, but not many people are examining the many multi-faceted layers surrounding this phenomenon which impact whether society’s efforts to combat it will have any significant effect.

Minnis’ head is in the sand

Your Editorial or Friday, 20th November, is right on point. Sadly, the mechanisms or party politics in the Bahamas, coupled with delusions of grandeur that many of our aspiring political leaders have developed, may well preclude such a potential means of changing the government of The Bahamas.

Disunity in the FNM

I read with great interests the comments of a Founding Father of the Free National Movement, and former Member of Parliament, Maurice Moore, current Member of Parliament for Montagu Richard Lightbourn, a letter by Andrew Allen and one by WAL in the various dailies.