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Govt must oppose same sex marriage

With all this talk about the faults of NEMA, the tragedy in damages to islands of the southeastern Bahamas by hurricane Joaquin and scepticism about the National Health Insurance plan (NHI) that should be in effect in 2016; as well as, the never ending terror of increasing crimes, the moment is here for us to take time out to face and deal with another threatening matter of same sex marriages.

An omen? Really?

AN OMEN..... See this is part of our problem as a nation. In 2015, a national leader in our country is referring to a hurricane unbelievably as an omen and no one is correcting him or calling out this insanity!

Wrong priorities

For those wondering exactly how much of their time our government’s leaders are devoting to the violent crime that is literally endangering the viability of our state, the Prime Minister of Grenada, Keith Mitchell recently gave us some indication.

Fit to rule ourselves?

I must admit that when I read in this paper that the police chief suggested some “civil liberties” would have to be infringed upon, the first thing that popped into my head was that this country would give up trying to govern themselves and would give up on their repeated failures of voting for people or clowns to lead them.

Baha Mar troubles

I was pleased ex Cabinet Minister Brent Symonette at least admitted that there was enough blame around the Cable Beach site of Baha Mar to go around for both the Christie Government who initially approved the project and the Ingraham, FNM Government of which Mr Symonette was a Minister.

Christian Council too late

Thanks for publishing my letter of November 5, on the issue of the lack of the Bahamas Christian Council calling for a National Day of Thanksgiving after hurricane Joaquin.

The bottom of the pit

Another astonishing story in The Tribune on Thursday which lowers the level of political interference to the bottom of the pit and shatters the remaining respect one has for anything political in The Bahamas. Perhaps there is an explanation but I doubt it.

Truly believe in Bahamians

You know, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of hearing people blame others for the state of this country, whether it is crime, the economy, or whatever.

A nation in distress

It’s interesting to note that it’s only after the murder rate had surpassed the record set in 2011 that at 133 the Prime Minister, as per The Tribune, 16 November 15, is “Distressed”.

Killing field

THE Prime Minister is right - “The Bahamas should not be a Killing Field”.

Called to lead

We have so-called “collective” cabinet responsibility in our wonderful nation but that is, I submit, not in fact the case.


These women crying out for help, saying “something must be done to help us”.

Short term gain for Minnis

In moving with haste and secrecy to bring into the FNM fold two rather sullied rejects of the PLP, Dr Minnis has yet again placed his own short term political interests above those of both party and country.

Disappointed in Maurice Moore

Maurice Moore’s comments at an FNM meeting in Grand Bahama last weekend were sad, disappointing and deeply disturbing.

Caribbean reparations

With the Caribbean reparations movement gathering steam, it has become necessary to articulate, in public, the arguments and issues around reparations. As Biomedical Advisor to the Bahamian Reparations Committee, I would like to outline some of the medical and biomedical arguments for reparation to the descendents of enslaved Africans in the Bahamas.

Pro-growth public policies

There seems to be no end of bad news for The Bahamas economy recently, highlighted by Standard & Poor’s slashing GDP growth estimates for 2016.

BCC too late

Hurricane Joaquin hit our islands five weeks ago with horrific and devastating effects, our God decided that there would be no deaths, but ... the Bahamas Christian Council has not as yet organised a National Celebration of Thanksgiving. They must be waiting for the anniversary in 2016.

Empty promises to Cat Island

After a recent trip to Cat Island, following Hurricane Joaquin, a feeling of concern has weighed heavily on my mind.

Prices are out of control

The price of bread has jumped recently, but for the fuel they use to bake the bread at Purity Bakery and LPG Gas, the purchase price has decreased. Does this make sense?

Excessive charges

In reviewing my credit card statement, FCIB charged its annual fee of $60 and on top of that, there is VAT of $4.50.

Shoddy service at RBC

I am writing concerning the deplorable state of our banks and what they call service these days.

Clean bill of health for Marathon?

I recently saw a copy of a “report to the nation” on the Rubis fuel spill in Marathon. According to this very pretty, nicely produced report, the ministries of Health and Environment have given the residents of Marathon a “clean bill of health”.

A shameful act

It seems we have hit a new low with the Ministry of Education blocking Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner from receiving relief supplies on behalf of her hurricane ravaged community.

Dancing while veteran abandoned

As reported in The Tribune November 10th “As Veterans Remembered, One Is Left In Rundown Home”.

Confounded by crime march call

I read your headline with astonishment this morning “Wilchcombe: Murder record is a Disgrace - Minister wants people to get angry and march”.