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Neglecting our veterans

Seemingly until this year Remembrance Day was a must attend event on the calendar of our elected people and obviously the Veterans – not in 2015.

Senior citizen VAT

As A retired senior citizen of this country, I am really angered and disturbed over the decision that requires senior citizens to pay VAT on all medical services.

Is Tennyson Wells puppet master of Minnis?

What have we come to in the FNM? Tennyson Wells, who resigned from the party, who voted and campaigned against the FNM, and who is now in bed with the PLP, seems to be pulling the strings as the puppet master of Dr Hubert Minnis and the FNM.

Stop stories of corruption

It is past time that all of the chatter in the media and on street corners about political corruption, outright theft, and back-handers must stop.

Nice from a distance

Re: “The Bahamas is the most beautiful place from space (The Tribune, November 5).

Learning our lesson

In the past several months, we have heard much about “teachable moments”. We have been having these moments for years, but what concerns me is that we do not seem to have learned many lessons from them, particularly with reference to hurricanes.

VAT out of control

FROM a business perspective, the logistics of dealing with VAT has spiralled out of control. Not only is the reporting tedious, do not even think you will get a refund when due, but now payment of VAT is being further complicated.

Corporal punishment

Perhaps I’m wasting my time writing this letter, as some things are so deeply ingrained in the fabric of Bahamian society, that trying to change them often proves fruitless. Yet, there are things that are so wrong, they can no longer be ignored, and someone has to stand up and say something.

Permits at the Pointe

Public Works building control inspectors stops work at The Pointe project at The British Colonial Hilton ... Wow! I was wondering when they would.

Redundancy madness

The government’s plans to eliminate the Employment Acts twelve-year cap on redundancy pay is their latest act of lunacy, no doubt promoted by the more trade union steeped among them, and comes as a knife in the back of the private sector.

Too much time or misplaced priorities?

“Shut mout catch no fly” is a little ditty that most Bahamians know about. In addition to flies, a shut mout will also keep one’s foot from being put in it.

Minnis is lonely at the top?

So Dr Hubert Minnis, Leader of the FNM and of the Official Opposition says it’s “lonely at the top”! Top of what? What is wrong with this man? He’s not prime minister yet (I hope he never will be) but he’s already delusional. He should leave the delusional emperor thing to Perry Christie.

Silent politicians

Did you notice the deadly silence from all 21-Cabinet Ministers when EXIM China acted in their best interests?

Chickens home to roost

The Prime Minister needs to rein in his cabinet ministers, hacks and semi-delusional political fanatics before it becomes too late for the credibility, sustainability and viability of this now ludicrous “Gold Rush” administration.

Wells and Rollins shows weakness of FNM

Wednesday news from the House of Parliament of the resignation from the PLP of Wells and Rollins, does not merit headlines.

A catalogue of despair

If there is any truth to the adage that “God Smiles”, then the corollary must also be true, and judging by The Tribune this morning 4th November, I would say that “He” must be frowning, if not scowling, at the Bahamas and its people.

Seek help on crime

Crime in our country - I have grown so weary and frustrated with the never-ending comments from politicians, citizens and “so-called experts”.

Pointe permits

Re: The Pointe Permits (The Tribune, Letters, October 29)

Less talking, more action

In Scotland this summer, I read The Tribune on the Internet with horror. Everything that could seemed to be going wrong in the Bahamas, my home for a good many years and I hope years to come.

Izmirlian and two governments

On the face of what we hear, neither the PLP nor the FNM are willing to take responsibility on parts of the process for the approval and execution of Baha Mar, although they were at their time the sole exclusive authority.

The people of Crooked Island

Survivors of the recent Category 5 Hurricane Joaquin, which devastated Landrail Point on Crooked Island, wishes to express heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the following individuals and organisations, for the quick response in sending relief supplies from the USA.

Open letter to Fred Ramsey

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning.

Time for serious rehabilitation

During the decades of the fifties through eighties many Police Officers were sent to the UK for training. It was during my training at the West Riding Detective Training College I was taken to a Borstal Institute in a city in England. It is a prison for young offenders, who are taught trades while incarcerated and assisted to get jobs when released as certified tradesmen.

Rising debt is a danger to the nation

Something does not add up. Forgive me if I am wrong but VAT was introduced due to pressure from the IMF and general gloom from credit agencies who were continuously downgrading our economic status, their fears are – we are drowning in debt ie the National Debt is huge.

Pointe’s effect on cruise ships

Everyone is talking and complaining about the Chinese Pointe. But no one seems to care that the marina planned for the Pointe might interfere with the traffic lanes of the cruise ships and by default, our cruise ship trade.