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Economic emancipation of The Bahamas

I hope one day our country can produce leaders who can inspire the minds of Bahamians and awaken their consciousness of its responsibility to the economic liberation of our country.

Too close for comfort

Your front page today, October 14, speaks volumes about our national depravity.

Building tertiary education

This month marks one year since I have been named President of The College of The Bahamas. I take this opportunity, though initiated by a recent article in one of the daily journals, as a teaching opportunity for the benefit of all; in particular, the future leaders of our country – our students.

Hurricane preparation

A copy of a letter dated August 29, 2011, which was hand delivered to NEMA and copied to the officials indicated. The contents are self-explanatory.

The God-fearing ways of Minnis


In defence of Galanis

I think any reasonably bright person would concur with Mr Galanis’ observation that The Bahamas is in worse shape now than when Perry Christie came into power three years ago.

Litter, litter and even more litter

It is appalling to drive the streets of Nassau each day and see the vast amount of litter all over our main thoroughfares. Unfortunately, I have to make frequent trips to the airport and usually end up disgusted with the state of cleanliness. This is not a rare sight, but a constant state of affairs.

Best impersonation?

Re:  Man accused of impersonating pilot.

Baha Mar situation

We all hope in much anticipation that in the near future Baha Mar will be completed and opened, however, in the meantime I suggest we are hearing all kinds of rather interesting comments which I have to challenge and test.

Be wise, get a barometer

One of my aunts, whose father taught her and her sister basic weather forecasting as children, has suggested that I express her frustration with all the to-ing and fro-ing these days, about whose fault the devastation was, because the people in the eastern islands did not get the message, on what the weather was doing.

The expectations of Nottage

Re:  Nottage criticised for shifting blame on crime.

Christie the modern Caesar

The decision of Prime Minister Perry Christie to announce his intentions of running again for the leadership position of the PLP at the party’s imminent convention while at a recent event in North Andros, the site of the highly touted Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute or BAMSI, was a stroke of genius.

Give constituents the power to recall

Not going to comment on how NEMA operated pre-hurricane, as there was obviously a total memory loss as to their responsibility. A teaching moment - my a..!

Electric supply during a hurricane

Since The Bahamas is situated on this globe in such a way that the direct path of some dangerous hurricanes might cross our islands, then, in my humble opinion, it is incumbent upon the government of The Bahamas to ensure that the country is prepared for such an inevitability.

Hire in private military

I’VE been looking over at the crime issue over the years, there’s a major problem when the criminals become more brave and dangerous than the current ones here. Police are outdated in weapons, some training, intelligence work and time.

Straw Market improvements

I applaud the Straw Market Authority (SMA) and the Government for their recent upgrades to the straw market for the safety, comfort and health of the occupants and the public.

School charity efforts at the cost of parents

Some private schools never cease to amaze me. They love to give (albeit to worthwhile causes), but at the expense of parents rather than the school.

In support of hurricane victims

On behalf of the members and directors of Save The Bays, I would like to express our heartfelt and profound grief at the suffering of our fellow Bahamians in the islands impacted by the devastating force of Hurricane Joaquin.

NHI to be another teachable moment

How many more “teachable moments” will it take before the Christie administration realises they are out of their depth? With the Southern Bahamas still struggling with the aftermath of this hurricane, another “teachable moment” looms in the not too distant future – NHI.

Tackle crime - or step aside

Some two decades ago, during a meeting with a government minister, the Minister made the following comment with reference to the Ministry of Finance: “This is the government, my friend. This is the government.”

Gun laws and the judiciary

A story appearing in yesterday’s (September 21st) Nassau Guardian, under the title “Nottage’s statement on mandatory minimum sentences not completely accurate” sadly and vividly displays what is wrong with the mind-set of the political and judicial establishment of The Bahamas, and how it is hurting us.

Learned our lesson?

Re: PM talks of “teachable moment” amid anger over govt response (The Tribune, October).

Retire, Mr Christie

Perry Christie is an affable man. He likes doing his version of the “soft shoe shuffle”. He reminds me of another leader from a few thousand years back – Nero emperor of Rome. Whilst Rome was burning Nero played the fiddle.

Ingraham return a nightmare

Please permit me to express a few thoughts of national importance. Some political pundits along with some disgruntled FNMs, paid political media and newspaper operatives are “beating the drums“ of a possible return of “Herbertus Maximus”. The former Prime Minister has not indicated officially that he would return to frontline politics, except to give vague generalizations about his retirement from the “game”.

First class after Erika

State of emergency in Dominica our sister CARICOM country, following the devastation caused by the tropical storm Erika, surely does not require our Foreign Affairs Minister to fly from Nassau to Dominica, to evaluate what possible aid The Bahamas could give?