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The National Development joke

Successive governments from time immemorial have difficulty in completing what they promise and approved in any single year Budget so you really think it is feasible to try to write a 30-year to include every island’s national development plan?

Speaker Major, how dare you?

I ask this question up front, Dr Kendal Major, how dare you deny the people of Long Island from expressing themselves? How dare you take it upon yourself to, without any reason, deny the Member of Parliament for Long Island, Loretta Butler-Turner the privilege that is accorded to all members of parliament? What could be your explanation? Is it that you hate Long Island?

Bell’s blame game

Keith Bell, the state minister of national security, has stirred from his political slumber to blame the country’s current crime catastrophe on the previous government.

Sartorial standards

Have standards gone out of the door, with some of our so-called leaders, or simply they don’t know any better? Who is to passed the mantle down to our young people?

Loretta has instincts to be PM

You can tell about someone’s leadership potential by how they respond in a crisis. This is when instincts and judgment are tested. In the aftermath of Hurricane Joaquin, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner demonstrated that she has the good instincts and good judgment to be prime minister.

The Pointe permits

Bahamian architectural and engineering professions are quietly in an uproar because, notwithstanding all the construction, dredging, land reclamation, etc, ongoing around the British Colonial under the control of the Chinese government, not one single building permit has been issued by the Bahamas government’s Ministry of Works in respect of these projects.

A list of teachable moments

The Prime Minister in Exuma, said to be speaking at the Economic Forum-Exuma, incredibly tried to defend himself and the use of what is now the infamous phrase – a teachable moment. Economic Forums everywhere, but no reality - nothing achieved except a lot of talk - teachable, of course just the usual bull.

Left in others’ wake

“Government is moving forward with its plan to create an office of the Ombudsman amalgamating the offices of the information Commissioner and Complaints Commissioner.”

URCA chose to give to NEMA

Re: Letter to the Editor Published October 26, 2015

Interpreting the PLP doublespeak

I should like to assist your readers in interpreting some of the Orwellian language being used by the PLP politicians who are daily running this country into the ground while at the same time telling people that everything will work out just fine.

An all-time low

Yesterday was indeed a sad day in more ways than one! I was aghast as I read and watched press accounts that demonstrated blatant attacks on our human and gender rights as Bahamians.

Second chance for students?

Jeanne Thompson, in her letter on October 20, 2015 asks , “Am I the only one...who finds the president of The College of The Bahamas’ disapproval of what he calls ‘unethical journalism’ ironic ?

Move quickly when they need to

Re: The new Planning and Subdivision Bill

Stubbs should hold head high

I am relieved that finally someone from the Met Office was honest enough to put a stop to this masquerade. I commend Mr Michael Stubbs for the testicular fortitude displayed to “bite the bullet” and speak the truth. This charade has been going unnecessarily too long.

Dancing while Rome burns

As two thousand more Bahamians joined the multitude of the unemployed, Prime Minister Christie in his inimitable way expounded on his understanding of democracy by deriding any and all challengers for his own job position.

Misuse of URCA

ON Wednesday, October 7, four days after the exit of Joaquin, The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA),

That painting

Re: ‘Tasteless’ painting comparing PM to Hitler causes a stir.

Wake up, speak up!

There is deafening silence in this country with regards to the controversial modern building that is being blithely built right before our very eyes – heading upwards to the sky, drilling down below the ground and spanning out across the sea.

A failing in our democracy

During the course of the proceedings in the House of Assembly on Wednesday the 21st October, the Hon Loretta Butler-Turner, the Member for Long Island, sought to address the House with regard to the situation in Long Island following the destruction caused by Hurricane Joaquin, but the Honourable Speaker refused to grant her permission to do so.

To a man who gave so much

For Mike Wallace

Where is Bernadette Christie?

Hurricane Joaquin caused devastation across the southern islands of the Bahamas. Bahamians have been very generous. Businesses, wealthy people, churches, and nearly every sector of our society have given millions. I hope our generosity continues.

A dream worth chasing?

I see again the promoters of the “unsuccessful revival” of Nassau Speedweeks are continuing their idea to build a Racing Circuit. Caution Ministry of Tourism, caution.

Defending Candia Dames

In light of the recent personal attacks against Candia Dames, Managing Editor of The Nassau Guardian, we, the collective of women’s rights and human rights activists, vehemently condemn all who would perpetuate one of the most predictable, yet degrading tactics used by male chauvinists to diminish the worth of women, smear their character and silence them through intimidation. These tactics are acts of violence against women.

Notice for parking garage

I have just today seen in the press a Public Notice from Mr Charles E Zonicle, Acting Director of Physical Planning, requesting comments on the proposed parking garage adjacent to the British Colonial Hotel.

Worker’s plea for support

Good night Mr Greenslade, It is almost 11 at night and I cannot sleep because I am really bothered by the injustice that is going on in this country.  I know you have a lot on your plate, and honestly, I don’t mean to add to it, but my head is being bombarded with thoughts, which prevented me from sleeping, so I decided to shoot you an email.  Here is my situation. . .