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The friendly arm of the law

Re: Criminals Must Understand That Government Is Not Their Friend (The Tribune, Editorial, September 23).

Support the police

Advice has been forthcoming from Police Officers and their former colleagues on crime for decades. The politicians from the Pindling era never really considered our suggestions. In the following paragraphs I will provide some advice on measures that should be considered and implemented. I will be brief and I will be open to the public for questions and discussions.

Moss plans for new party

I wish to commend and congratulate the Member of Parliament for Marco City, Gregory Moss on his announcement of the formation of a new political party.

Term limits

I see that Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis is once again talking about term limits for a prime minister. Dr. Minnis is clearly not capable of learning. After three years as FNM Leader, he keeps making the same mistakes and repeating the same old foolishness. He is also a big hypocrite when it comes to term-limits.

Sniping about Minnis

I could only shake my head in wonder at today’s headline – “FNM divided over Minnis.”

It’s time to say the necessary thing: Christie must go

I truly enjoy reading Mr Ortland Bodie’s commentaries. They are usually informative, well written and in a lot of cases give insight to meaningful issues affecting our country.

Is this how we should appear?

I really think everyone in this government suffers from severe myopia or total blindness.

Nottage and crime

The Minister of National Security, Dr Bernard Nottage, is coming apart at the seams, it seems. Dr Nottage feels that the government should be lauded and applauded when there is a lull in murders – not a sustained reduction, mind you – but a lull.

Christie’s legacy

Now that the Chinese State Construction Company has “agreed” to proceed with the necessary construction work at Baha Mar and provisional liquidators are in place to ensure the orderly and dispassionate operations at that property, there is the possibility that a second plank would have been laid on the legacy platform which the Prime Minister is seeking to build. His “testament” is being rolled out, finally.

Blackbeard’s Cay case

Kindly allow me space to respond to the interview with Wayne Munroe published 23rd September in The Tribune, on the Blackbeard’s Cay matter.

Waste collection

I am a resident of Stapledon Gardens and sometime ago our garbage was collected on a weekly basis.

Secret to crime?

In recent political history, surprisingly the chairpersons of the two largest parties, have had a lot to say for themselves.

Stalwarts must tell Christie to go

In 1997, Sir Lynden Pindling retired as Progressive Liberal Party leader having held the post for four decades. He was 67.

Brave will sit small

There is a move by several factions in the Progressive Liberal Party to have Prime Minister Perry Christie give up his post as party leader. One faction comprises of members supporting Deputy Prime Minister, Philip “Brave” Davis.

We need Baha Mar

Thanks again for allowing me this space in your most valuable paper. It really was and still is one big mess – the “Baha Mar” saga, one may say. However, there is a beginning of a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, to speak, for that large mega resort and great economy saviour of The Bahamas and its people.

Bahamian politics

Bahamians have a very peculiar liking for charismatic centric leaders surrounded by this fictional belief that being charismatic equates to good leadership.

A new PM?

November we could have a new Prime Minister... you realise that?

Problems at heart of NHI plan

There is growing concern of a threat to transform the entire health care system in The Bahamas into a fully government controlled and managed system.

Clear the clutter

I am not on Facebook, but I did see, over the weekend, a post by Ed Fields on the disgusting and disgraceful garbage dump next to “Retirement Park” on what looked to be Mackey and Ernest Streets. An excellent exposé, Mr Fields.

Who are these gaming licence applicants?

I found it incredibly significant that the Prime Minister went to a Family Island constituency to announce that he will nominate for leader of the PLP, a contingent issue.

Under the kleptocrats

When the social history of The Bahamas is written in the future, if the author is sincere it should read as follows;

View of a Bahamian abroad

It is a weekday and I am in the Orlando International Airport waiting for Bahamasair flight 238 to taxi into place for a short trip home.

Debt to equity

Bahamas Can’t Lose over Baha Mar outcome – Tribune Business - September 14, 2015

The crime problem

Some two decades ago, during a meeting with a government minister, the Minister made the following comment with reference to the Ministry of Finance: “This is the government, my friend. This is the government.”

What now after Rubis fuel spill?

What is happening with the medical tests and followup support for residents of Marathon who were possibly affected by toxic chemicals as a result of the fuel spill from the Rubis station on Robinson Road?