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Random thoughts

I read with interest the Ava Turnquest report "Number First Before Casinos" although it may appear very noble for Ed Fields and Robert Sands to have the opening up of the "Number Business" decided before determining if Bahamians can join the regular folks gambling in "our" country’s casinos, perhaps they should state the real reason that those hotel operators don't want the rank and file Bahamian in the casinos that may possibly upset the visiting gamblers.

Take the referendum seriously

I want to register my concern with the attitude being adopted by Prime Minister Perry Christie and the vast majority of the members of his Government regarding their position on the promised referendum on legalizing “Numbers” in The Bahamas.

Leadership on gambling

Contrary to some of its detractors, the PLP government is leading on the issue of gambling by being responsive to the needs of the country.

FNM must give their backing to their leader

In one of his final sermons entitled ''The Drum Major Instincts,'' the Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr said that ''there is deep down within all of us an instinct. It's a kind of drum major instinct – a desire to be out in front, a desire to lead the parade, a desire to be first.''

Incompetent ZNS at the Olympics

A gold medal for The Bahamas on the penultimate day of track and field competition in the stadium was enough to make up for the crushing disappointment we felt at the other relays and most of the other individual competitors. Nothing, however, could make up for the astonishing incompetence of ZNS in its transmission of the games.

ZNS staff jobs and politics

I am writing in response to an interesting article under the headline ''ZNS Staff Jobs Shock'' in the August 17 edition of The Tribune.

Memories of Bahamas Airways

Today's editorial and the accompanying letter brought back many memories of Bahamas Airways Limited, a company, where I was a pilot from 1963 until 1970, and which has occupied much of the last four years of my time.

Disaster of Bahamas Airways

In 1968 when the Swire Group signed on to the restructuring of Bahamas Airways, the agreement with the Government stipulated that no other airline entity would be allowed to fly the profitable routes controlled by the Government unless the loss leading routes were included...

Bahamian mindset

As a Bahamian who has lived abroad for almost a decade and a half, I am truly saddened and embarrassed at the state of our Bahamas and the mindset of our people.

Disappointment over Clifton Park

Dear Mr Carey: I write to express my dismay that the Clifton Park is open only weekdays between 9am and 5pm. Exactly how are Bahamians supposed to enjoy the rich heritage?

The issues that matter

The Christie Administration is badly off course on a number of issues. It is becoming more obvious each and every day that there needs to be a focus and dedicated attention to those bread and butter issues which really matter to the average Bahamian.

Maynard's dream

The untimely passing of Charles Maynard serves to show us all that life is fragile and that we must make the best of each day and each situation. I

Statements retraction

In a recent letter that I had written and that was published by The Freeport News, I had wrongly stated that the Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited (GBPA) owned 20 per cent of the Grand Bahama Power Company (GBPC); and that the Canadian corporation Emera Inc owned 80 per cent. Actually, Emera owns 80.4 per cent of the local power company, according to the local power company's website.

Immigration issues

This is my first time writing to any paper to express an opinion or comment on matters, however there has been so much in your pages in the last few days, months and years, of concern to me that it seemed to be the right time to start.

BTC ownership

The PLP Government wishes to take back majority ownership of BTC, to make it “Bahamian owned” , or so it says.

FNM is proud of our former PM

We in the FNM are proud of what the Honourable Hubert Ingraham has done for our Party and for our country.

Exam results

THE Nassau Guardian’s front-page story “Dismal exam scores continue” –August 8, 2012, page 1– focused public attention on one of the country’s greatest problems...too many of the nation’s public school leavers are illiterate and do not earn a high school diploma.

Sporting benefit of a national lottery

Great Britain is now exceeding its medal count of all previous Olympics.

Church must rise against the numbers

The evangelical church in the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will probably face its greatest test of commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ in the coming months as the Christie administration moves forward with its plan to hold a referendum on gambling. Of course, this particular voting bloc is perhaps the most important within the PLP.

Ministers facing questions

Having just read today's Tribune Editorial (Friday, August 10), I felt compelled to jot you these few lines regarding the newly appointed NIB Executive Chairman's demands for expensive office and vehicle, etc.

No record of victimisation

You recently published a letter which may have been a well-intentioned attempt to demonstrate support for the new Leader of the FNM and admiration for his ability to positively impact political discourse in our country going forward.

Support the leader

A lion was watching three bulls feeding in an open field.

The trouble with envy

Envy is one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. It is certainly the most joyless of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Late-again PLP must end discrimination against women

It is a cruel twist of fate that Fred Mitchell, the only Parliamentarian in either of the Houses of Parliament (he was a PLP Senator at the time) to vote against the Resolution to abolish all forms of discrimination against women in The Bahamas in 2002 was given the privilege by Prime Minister Christie, of announcing in Parliament that 10 years too late, the late again-PLP finally understand that discrimination against Bahamian women is wrong. Still, as they say: “better late than never.”

Gambling debate rages on

The debate on the legalization of a lottery rages on.