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Thanks to staff at PMH for their care

I have benefited from the professional service and care that has been provided by several of the fine employees of the Male Orthopaedic Ward of the Princess Margaret Hospital.

To nationalise or re-nationlise

It concerns me seriously that journalists, who might not know better as I suspect, owing to their surname are not Bahamian, use the word “re-nationalise” in the context of the ongoing proposal arising from a pre-election promise, to the reality of face-to-face discussions between the Government and Cable & Wireless, whereas the intent is for the Government to re-establish that the majority of the equity shares will be held by the Treasurer of The Bahamas instead of the people.

Complicitous nuances

Politicians do dumb things in the name of the “party line”, and a certain level of “dumbness” can be expected from them as they go about doing what they think is best in a particular moment.

Policing without fear

THE change in the Police Act, that took away security of tenure from the Commissioner was a major mistake made by the former government.

Generator threat

This is to draw the Commissioner of Police’s kind attention to an incident that took place at my home on July 6, 2012.

. . . or Animal Farm 2.0?

Some have said that it is too soon to critique the performance or lack thereof of the PLP.

Minister's guns

There is an ongoing debate on the Talk shows about the Minister of National Security and his Junior Minister carrying handguns.

PLP view on rights for women

Just when we thought the current political landscape in The Bahamas could not immediately become more rife with notable (and infamous) precedents, the PLP government has announced it is now a born-again believer in equal rights for Bahamian women.

Ban the sins - all of the sins!

THESE pastors and the BCC may well be on to something – what a great idea to simply ban the sin of gambling! That’s sure to take care of it for good.

Christie fails to rise above it all

I am continually amazed by Prime Minister Perry Christie’s inability to rise above the ranks of his petty party and establish himself as an honourable leader.

Parliament at an all-time low

July 25, 2012 unfortunately will go down in the history books as the day when the Bahamian Parliament reached an all time low.

Nation lacks a vision

I can only imagine that the idea of Independence was a grand and novel notion during the late 60s and early 70s, one that was eventually able to draw a mass of support as an obvious advantage and natural progression for the majority of indigenous people in the Bahamas.

McPhee admission

The recent admission by the pastoral group that they should have approached their fellow pastor before coming out against his stated position, finds its root in the Matthew 18 passage, that gives clear outline on how such “faults” should be handled within the Christian church; but the fact that Pastor McPhee is in the place of being right is really a “technicality”, brought about by the grace of God.

By-election will be referendum on PM Christie and Hubert Minnis

 Former Free National Movement (FNM) Leader and Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has made it abundantly clear to the press on the night of the elections that he will officially resign from the House of Assembly, after serving as member of Parliament for the Cooper's Town/North Abaco constituency for 35 years.

The final twist from Ingraham

So Hubert Ingraham continues with his games even at these closing hours of his political career.

The big gold dream

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) ran a magnificent electoral campaign.

No one man makes a party

On July 14th you printed a letter to the editor from a Committed FNM. Is that FNM committed to staying in opposition or committed to the failure of the FNM party.

Proof of why trade unions are necessary

IT was reported that former workers’ savings were allegedly used by City Markets’ owners for their own ends.

Ingraham can still be a help

I am writing in response to two letters that were recently printed in The Nassau Guardian and The Tribune taking me to task for calling on former Free National Movement Leader Hubert Ingraham to defer retiring from the House of Assembly until 2017.

You picked a fine time to leave . . .

I write these words with a heavy heart but I feel I must say them. You are wrong for quitting on the people of North Abaco after they showed great faith and elected you to represent them for what you coined as your last and final term.

Appalling treatment of Hubert Ingraham

It is appalling the treatment being given to the honourable member by the House of Assembly after fifteen years of service as a member of that body.

Review of PLP government

CSME – I was under the impression in 2005 that any association with the proposed “single market concept” was thrown out by the PLP with the dirty bath water?

Fears arising for the rule of law

I am beginning to fear for our country given the creeping callous disregard for law and the rule of law by some charged with ensuring adherence to and respect for the law.

Ingraham should stay in House

EDITOR, The Tribune. I agree with Mr Kevin Evan’s position in his July 1, letter to the Editor that Mr Hubert Ingraham should stay on as the Member of Parliament

The debate on legality of gambling

The issues surrounding gambling in the Bahamas, have always been coloured by whatever the popular political view prescribed them to be.