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Understand the electoral arithmetic

The Chairman of the PLP is having great difficulty understanding the arithmetic which shows that his party won the last election with less than a majority of the popular vote, and when this is pointed out to him for some strange reason he goes ballistic.

Thanks for the civics lesson Mr. Roberts, but . . .

I'd like to thank Mr. Roberts for his brief civics lesson in his recent rebuttal, but it's important to correct him when he says he does not recall hearing anything anti-government from me.

How does gambling benefit us?

If we did not consider ourselves a “Christian Nation” I would keep my mouth shut, but as a Christian in a Christian Nation, I feel the need to speak out.

Bishop Ellis will clash with Christie

Prime Minister Perry Christie is quoted in both leading dailies this morning as having informed Baha Mar executives that his Government wants more Bahamians engaged on the Resort’s construction project.

This is no country for confused men

“Confused men”, this is the way in which the present Prime Minister, Perry Christie and the PLP would have you view Dr. Hubert Minnis, Mr. Charles Maynard and Dion Foulkes and why would they view them in this way? Simply for trying to preserve the rights of Bahamians.

I have a voice

A few weeks ago Bahamas Press came out with a blast email about how it was so furious with the PLP since they did not seem to be fulfilling its mandate since the election, I didn’t buy it.

Is Christie now tolerant of such victimisation?

Prime Minister Christie once said: “There will be no payback time under my administration.”

Are you urban?

FORTY former Grand Bahama Urban Development workers contracts not renewed by the new PLP government.

We will not be silenced

I JUST read a Facebook post which I totally agree with simply had to share! Bahamas Press, which is obviously PLP, is accusing the local media of being biased. The post read as follows:

Moss backs Ingraham unwittingly

EDITOR, The Tribune. In a recent interview that he did with The Freeport News, PLP Member of Parliament for Marco City Gregory Moss said that he will not support the reinstatement of Austrian born businessman Hannes Babak to the chairmanship post at t

Victims not protected by silence

I am appalled that the police kept the public in the dark about the serial rape situation. The excuse that this was done to protect the victims doesn't hold water because victims of sexual abuse are

Living in fear

I felt compelled to write a letter to you after reading the cover story of The Tribune this morning. I, like thousands of other Bahamians, have lived in complete fear for the last week after finding out through social

Lack of information is no protection

ACP Anthony Ferguson's comments to the press as reported in the dailies today on why the police hid the violent rape reports from the public, only makes the Force look worse.

Laing still hounded by the PLP

I HAVE always argued the point that the former Free National Movement (FNM) member of Parliament for Marco City and Minister of State for Finance Senator Zhivargo Laing had become the whipping boy for supporters of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) during the tenure of the former Ingraham administration.

Anger at police over rapist hunt

AS A WOMAN, I write to express my outrage that the Police Force did not, until ASKED TODAY by a media person, reveal to the public official information regarding the series of at-gunpoint violent rapes occurring throughout eastern and western New Providence over the past several weeks.

Too much rain to collect garbage

I HAVE just read the article in today's paper titled "Too much rain to collect garbage."

Facing the problem of poverty

ALLAN Cochorane, a noted British Social Economist, once wrote: “One measure of the success of the welfare system in any country is the extent to which it is able to maintain acceptable standards of living for its citizens.

The Urban Renewal fallacy

THIS is my comment in response to today's newspaper article under the heading: "More Urban Renewal workers to reportedly lose jobs."

Our Fiscal Woes are continuing

PRIME MINISTER the Rt Hon. Perry Christie outlined the country's current fiscal position last week. He claimed the government will need to borrow $504 million to cover debt left by the previous Free National Movement (FNM) government. This figure is more than double the $248 million the FNM government said would be needed to cover our current fiscal shortfall.

Web cafés contribute to the Bahamas

We, the Alliance of the newly formed committee named All for One and One for All, after searching far and wide have made the following discovery, except for Atlantis and the government, the web shop cafes do the following:

Dr Minnis must learn about RBDF

FIRST, I highly recommend that Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition Leader, The Hon Dr Hubert Minnis, hires a military consultant to best advise him on matters concerning the employment of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RDBF), particularly in support of civilian authorities... In fact, in keeping with provisions contained in the Defence Act, for decades the RBDF has provided personnel to assist The Bahamas Immigration Department in the round up, detention, and deportation of illegal immigrants.

Making progress is never easy

IT HAS now become quite apparent that the present government has gone into "by any means necessary" mode to regain the controlling shares of BTC. It seems as if they are willing to beg, borrow, or do whatever else is necessary to achieve their end!

Chairman must make disclosures

AS MEMBERS of the public watch the political scene unfold they should be aware of certain facts. One item of interest is section 6 of the Electricity Act of The Bahamas Part II:

Foreign investment solicited

I SEE that The Bahamas is again courting foreign investors to come and invest their money in The Bahamas.

Are we heading for a police state?

IT WAS reported that the Prime Minister Rt Hon Perry Gladstone Christie called a meeting with all of the top brass associated with the Ministry of National Security. The meeting was because The Bahamas has seen an unprecedented spike in serious crime, especially murder since Dr Nottage's announcement.