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Addressing critical national problem

The media is currently filled with letters, comments, and opinions in response to the reported recent abuse and death of a four-year-old girl.

A mismanaged opportunity

The conclusion of Dr Minnis’ term as prime minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas came on September 16, 2021.

Were the pirates actually expelled?

As per 47 illegals recently caught in our waters from at least six different countries, may I remind you of the words of the late American President Ronald Reagan, and I quote: "A nation that cannot control its borders ceases to be a nation."

‘Rise Bahamas, Rise!’

Attached is a poem written by me in April 1999, which I submit for publication in memory of our little darling Bella and the call to our national compassion and action: “Rise Bahamas, Rise!”

Risking their lives to flee an impoverished country

Just after the election last month, all hell broke loose when we were faced with what appeared to be an invasion of Haitian immigrants.

It’s time for us all to wake up

I recently read – and I am sure it was in The Tribune – that despite the danger to our planet – there was still talk of oil in our waters and the possibility of drilling for it.

Salvage what tourism is available

I am the owner of travel agencies in the Rochester and Syracuse area of New York State. Our family are also winter residents of The Bahamas.

A new day?

Let me congratulate the fifth Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Mr Philip “Brave” Davis. He led the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to soundly defeat the Free National Movement (FNM) lead by Dr Hubert Minnis in the last general elections.

Jitneys and COVID

I read with interest reports of the Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Michael Darville’s presentation to Parliament on the new COVID regulations.

Prayers for the FNM

My dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am thanking you for another day in my right mind, health, and the wisdom, understanding, faith, patience, courage and the determination to keep You foremost in my mind, heart and soul.

Level of debt facing the nation

On September 24th, just a few days after the election, we heard the news that the financial Agency - Moody/5 - had seriously downgraded The Bahamas. On September 24th, the National debt stood at $10.35 billion, plus days of 0.13 million and ticking.

In tribute

Lost Mom this week. But there she is my sweet. The Holland Marsh Canal.

Up, up, up go the costs

With the presentation of the Supplementary Budget yesterday somehow I felt a lot more reassured in the presentation than when the previous administration talked about finances.

Government appointments

Here are three appointments the government should consider to bring peace in the relevant departments.

VAT issue - good, bad or stupid?

Comments by a leading manager indicates that removal of the exemptions and returning VAT on Insurances will have a double-edged sword for Government... isn’t the Government Health Insurance some $100m premium so 10% = $10m VAT payment.

Cycle your way to a fitter life

Park your car, throw away the keys, jump on your bike and make your noble contribution to climate change!

Christian Science and COVID-19

I was taken aback after learning of two Grand Bahamian women who are adherents of Christian Science (not to be confused with L Ron Hubbard’s Scientology), a cult based in the north eastern region of the United States. Both women are Black.

Cost to the Treasury

I read with amazement and listened to the Senior Police officers who have been reinstated, congrats; but as a tax payer I dread what this means to our public treasury.

If you owe, then pay up

It is disturbing that seemingly there was a very relaxed policy in the Minnis Administration concerning the basic collection of taxes. The mention by PM Davis that there is a single person a developer who owes $1.4m sends cold shivers down my back... friends can be friends but bills — tax liabilities have to be paid or Government will have to be forced to raise taxes. Hope the tax collection reinforcement group will sweep and act... zero discounts Minister... you owe, you pay others have.

Pintard for FNM leader a no-brainer

THE September 16 general election was the most ho-hum since the formation of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in 1953. The low voter turnout attest to this fact.

Do we take an apology?

Should we take a so-called apology from a politician seriously when his actions have put us all in financial jeopardy and even our country?

Bad move

The proposal to decrease Vat but add it to bread basket items, and everything else, is wrong. I saw a new government minister on the news saying, that it is an insult to poor people to assume that they only buy bread basket items, but that is what the majority of poor people can afford to buy. Many people are paid 200 or 300 dollars per week. Some people only make 150 per week and they have to pay bills and buy groceries with that.

Legacy of the FNM

I recently heard Tommy Turnquest, a former leader of the Free National Movement, listing his party’s accomplishments after four terms in office.

Street lighting, ground fog and joggers

I write to complain of a very dangerous situation that has been evident for several weeks and months. I leave for my office early each morning in order to prepare for the day.

Heavy hand of URCA

Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience in your newspaper.