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Rising Sea

Thanks for publishing the following poem

Landed in The Bahamas

Please, a little space, in your powerful media, in a concise way.

Stop mining toxic coal

IT’S DISHEARTENING that President Mnanagagwa has allowed Chinese citizens to mine coal in Hwange Zimbabwe.

Kerzner’s praise for Farrington

Two minutes ago I stumbled on my copy of the attached letter, apparently written to Barry Farrington by Butch Kerzner. I find it to be a profound and well deserved compliment to Barry. You may publish it if you wish.

Davis and international participation

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, MP, QC, is to be commended on the energetic and focused style of leadership that he has demonstrated from his first early days in office.

Bush medicine and COVID

A lot of people here are dying unnecessarily, mainly, of course, due to the madness of vaccine hesitancy, however, other people with COVID are dying because of the use of “bush medicine”.

The elderly, widows and orphans

Thank you for allowing me the space to recognise the proprietors and caregivers at homes for the elderly and orphans throughout the country.

The Minnis interregnum

FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ press release announcing his decision not to run for the leadership of the Free National Movement (FNM) at its upcoming November 27 National Convention wasn’t a coincidence to many observers.

A sad farewell but welcomed

It was a sight to witness up at the East Street Church of God this past Sunday of the vanquished former Prime Minister close to shedding tears during a service celebrating the 50th year since the formation of the Free National Movement. No doubt he was singing his swan song of farewell from the front line leadership of that entity. He bust into office in 2017 with great acclamation and fanfare, but has been obliged to creep off centre stage like a dejected potcake. It was not a pretty sight and garnered slight sympathies from the attendees.

Wake up and protect our patrimony

Today I came across a post of “The World” – a floating condominium anchored in Bahamian waters, which triggered the questions: when, who, how, what and why, and as I searched for answers, it brought into sharp focus our crucial need to act immediately and more responsibly with regard to recognizing, owning, protecting, and sustaining our natural resources, as well as putting strict laws in place to mitigate damage and receive retribution.

Where is Minnis?

I find it baffling, over the last few days, the Government saw fit to bestow the Honour of a State Recognised Funeral for two of our finest sons who made herculean contributions to our nation in their own rights, both served as Senators in the upper House.

Prospect Ridge an experiment

Considered by American historians as one of the final great legislative achievements of the civil rights movement, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson on April 11 (1968), seven days after the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Farewell to giants of tourism

Two giants in the Tourism-Hotel business of The Bahamas passed within days of each other... significant as both played such an important part in the development of the employees and their appointments and remuneration.

Housing plan is not Constitutional

Prospect Ridge sub-division – simply put as the previous Government presented it – is not Constitutional period.

Game of Thrones or a spectacle?

In a few short weeks the rump FNM will be meeting in convention to decide on the leadership going forward.

Pandemic stress test

Is your mind like a torture chamber during this pandemic, zapping your creativity and taking you down?

Columbus and The Bahamas

So very nearly the 12 plus ft high statue of Columbus was nearly knocked off its plinth…been there mind you 200 plus years and till last week no one really bothered him... possibly one of the most photographed locations other than the Nassau Water Tower.

Double payment

I am concerned that this new government is seeming to start its term by showing unfairness toward many civil servants. How can retirees who in many cases are already in good financial standing be paid new salaries up front when many civil servants are waiting to be paid monies they are owed?

Political posturing

You don’t have to be Albert Einstein to work out why the COVID deaths and new cases are on an upward spiral in the Bahamas. The previous PM was a doctor so was trained to respond to a pandemic such as COVID and generally took sensible precautions/options to protect the citizenry.

Too early to blame the new government

I was catching up on some reading on the Internet news site Bahamas Press and was shocked to come across four anti-Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) submissions that were penned over the past several days.

Elephants in the room

It is remarkable that Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) the cling leader of the rump opposition, who never seemed to find the time to speak with the press and the media while in office, is now finding the time and talking points to do so. Minnis is really now irrelevant in Bahamian politics and is yesterday’s man. He may not have come to the brutal conclusion that few Bahamians, if any, now listen to him. He’s akin to the fabled Emperor who was told repeatedly that he had no clothes on. The massive rejection of his political leadership must have stung him worse than a scorpion.

Columbus statue

The incident with the Columbus statue certainly sparked perhaps a record number of comments, of both genuine and questionable value.

What are you going to do, PM?

It’s recorded both medically and socially that marijuana is a hallucinogenic, psychosis, and addictive substance. One need only go on the internet visit Webmd.com.type in marijuana and its effect.

Govt and Crown Land

The past PM Minnis proposed that special subdivision on Crown Land top of Prospect Ridge...they actually invited interested persons... note definite discriminatory conditions as to who qualifies.

Vaccine-only not working

There is an article on the front page in one of the daily newspapers this week that reads, “Former minister says change our policy or accept frequent deaths”. Where later in the article he states that “I see a dramatic disconnect between what is happening in the clinical arena and what the public’s perception seems to be.”