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Costs, costs and more costs to bear

Well the Camelot celebrations are all over…$’000’s spent on hats…wonder how much Tax arrears the 1000 chosen owed the Treasury had enough to embellish themselves but.....

Unite the nation with appointments

As the newly installed Prime Minister, the Most Hon Philip “Brave” Davis, QC (PLP-Cat Island) fleshed out his administration, I would hope that several appointments be made to reflect national unity and continued nation building and reconstruction. The Urban Renewal Commission, as then led by the Hon Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt and the Hon Algernon SPB Allen, was an excellent and highly effective community tool for the then administration to directly impact the lives and housing conditions of thousands of Bahamians, especially in the inner city areas of New Providence and Grand Bahama.

We don’t have a First Lady

Oh, we love to copy Americana and their habits.

Sledgehammer can’t alter past

A thug with a sledgehammer proclaimed himself judge, jury and executioner on one aspect of our sometimes tortured but by and large glorious history.

Facing great expectations

Now that the PLP and the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, are in charge of the administration of our wonderful nation, there are great expectations on the part of our people. We live in instant society and we tend to expect advances and corrections immediately, regardless of the circumstances. Yes, electoral promises would have been made and we fully expect that they will be delivered on. We have to, however, be realistic.

Food for The Punch

Two stories hit me from your Tuesday edition... if there was still The Punch today I am sure Ivan Johnson will have had a totally different spin on those stories.

Minnis is done

Kindly consider the publication of this open letter to Dr Hubert Alexander Minnis, Leader of the Official Opposition - FNM party.

Honouring our unsung heroes

There has been much ado lately about who and what defines a, “National Hero”.

Too many Governor Generals

Governor General C A Smith was appointed to his post in June 2019 by the former Free National Movement (FNM) government.

How could statue be smashed?

It is unbelievable! One man with a sledgehammer at Government House almost destroyed the statue of Christopher Columbus before the police arrived.

Spare statue, but tear down wall

There is ample historical evidence that Christopher Columbus was no hero. As he observed the generous, friendly reaction of the Lucayans on San Salvador to the strange visitors from the sea, his mind turned (naturally) to what good slaves they would make, as he noted in his log.

Leave our statues alone

I saw a professor from the University of The Bahamas on the news saying that all of our colonial statues should be removed. I would like to know who gave him the job of speaking for the Bahamian people? He is free to voice his opinion, but he must not speak for the Bahamian people.

The legacy of Ivan and The Punch

There will be a lot of powerful people such as politicians and the likes taking a collective sigh of relief on the death of Ivan Johnson.

Have cake and eat it

All this tireless and seemingly senseless argument about vaccinating or testing hotel employees before they can be employed as a safety measure against this terrible epidemic that is terrorising the world and turning people’s lives upside down, is a mystery to me.

A servant leader is gone

In Robert Greenleafs essay “The Servant as Leader” published in 1970, he described a servant leader as one who is focused on serving, encouraging growth and development in others whilst empowering them to reach their maximum potential. Some of the characteristics of a servant leader are strong decision-making skills, empathy, social interaction, trustworthiness, and foresight. The Bahamas has lost a servant leader; a giant in the name of Mr John Addington Rolle, former Comptroller of Customs.

Avoid tit-for-tat confrontations

I recently decided to log onto Facebook and was disheartened to see Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters gloating over Correctional Services Commissioner Charles Murphy being sent on administrative leave, as he is regarded as a political appointee.

Ivan Johnson death a blow to the FNM

The shocking death of The Punch Editor Ivan Johnson represents a massive blow, not only to the journalist fraternity in The Bahamas, but to the sputtering Free National Movement (FNM) as well. For the 31 years of its existence, The Punch has been viewed as the unofficial mouthpiece of the FNM. It began publishing in February 1990; two years prior to the Hubert Ingraham led FNM unseating the Sir Lynden Pindling led Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

It’s time to celebrate our teachers

Today the 5th of October 2021, we are celebrating and acknowledging the greatest and most profound job done by teachers.

Table the facts, Prime Minister

I recall so well pre-2017 election how the FNM swore blind an FNM Government would not follow down the road of past governments... theirs under leadership of Dr Hubert Minnis would be totally different...would uphold transparency in all they do. Four plus years later we knew that was just an election promise as HOA after HOA never saw the light of the day....never tabled in parliament and even one particular file ‘dat one gone missin’!

Common sense over COVID

This Covid-19 pandemic, which seems intent on cleansing an over populated planet, has presented many problems for humanity.

Don’t stop at Mr Murphy

While I will not directly address the matter of Prison Commissioner Charles Murphy (which is best left to be played out by the authorities and any legal proceedings that may follow), the public would be well advised to regard claims of PLP “victimisation” over the coming months with healthy scepticism. And the PLP would do well not to be distracted by such allegations as it gets to the bottom of the many questionable actions of its predecessor.

Property Tax giveaway

One of the giveaways that we became so accustomed with from the outgoing Government was concerning the substantial arrears of unpaid Real Property Tax — some $600m on personal properties.

Open letter on food aid

LAST Friday, October 1, the work of the Food Assistance Task Force came to a formal end. For seventy weeks without interruption, and all the while in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic, food security for tens of thousands of Bahamian households was assured.

Atlantis and testing

It’s time for society and the world generally to start putting their collective foot down with these anti-vaxxers.

Tune in to your old good friend

I found two lines of Ortland Bodie’s letter published in Thursday’s Tribune most interesting. In that letter Mr Bodie not only admits that Peter Nygard was his “good friend”, but was also his “former patron”.