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I was sorry to see the Christmas tree changed

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. I think the sea-themed decorations on the Christmas tree in downtown Nassau were delightful and I’m sorry they were removed.

No-one has solution to society's ills

As I look at the news and see murder continuously occurring, it supports my hypothesis that social structure change is needed. If you only treat the symptoms of societal ills, you have to keep medicating indefinitely, as is the Bahamas’ present trajectory.

Many shocked at outcome of case

Many, if not most Bahamians, were shocked and disturbed at the outcome of the Shane Gibson case. This included quite a number of PLP supporters. The jury acquitted Gibson on 15 counts after deliberating for a very short period.

A shameful process

Anyone doubting that the present government is engaged in the systematic degrading of our country’s vital institutions need only read the media reports of the Shane Gibson case.

Haunted by ghosts of our past

The after Dorian illegal Haitian drama has ran the gamut yet there is no letting up.

Time to decide where we want to be heading

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines progress as a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal): Advance or gradual betterment especially: the progressive development of humankind.

No sugar? Well that's not very customer friendly

I decided to purchase a breakfast sandwich through the drive through of Wendys, Bernard Road. When I received the order I asked for a few packets of sugar and was told by the staff that sugar could only be given to those purchasing coffee or tea from the store.

We can't let customs hold our businesses to ransom

What in the world is going on at Bahamas Customs!

Seems like a short order

Re: Parts Of Grand Bahama Still Without Power. The Tribune, November 26, 2019.

Our Third World status on display

The Free National Movement (FNM) government’s recently tabled Electricity Rate Reduction Bond Bill appears to be an all-or-nothing effort by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis to salvage Bahamas Power and Light (BPL), even if it means alienating thousands of frustrated Bahamian consumers, who have had to put up with chronic power blackouts for decades.

Wait for safer return

I have always been an enthusiast about Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), the Isle of Man firm that started its exploration for oil in Bahamian waters over a dozen years ago.

Betraying its baptist heritage

Pride Bahamas organiser Alexus D’Marco’s differences with the Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) are irreconcilable, especially given the fact that her organisation is planning on staging a gay pride event in 2020. Homosexuality is explicitly condemned in both Old and New Testaments. Unless D’Marco and her people are willing to repent, what is there to discuss?

Protect resources

To all Bahamians, especially those who reside within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas:

Out, after 36 years

WOW 36 years after being sentenced to Life two black Americans were freed and their sentences totally pardoned…36 years and finally the truth.

Law has to keep up with banned drugs

The topic “Synthetic” Marijuana was timely and very interesting. It was held at Wesley Methodist, Blue Hill Road and Chapel Street. The presenter was Dr Kirk Christie; Clinical Director of Female and Substance Abuse Services.

Legacy of Felix Bethel

The following letter, written by Felix Bethel in 2014, is published here at the request of one of his daughters. Mr Bethel, who died last week at the age of 70, was on the staff of the College of The Bahamas – now the University of the Bahamas — for 45 years.

What hours for jitneys?

For the last week at the downtown bus terminal and since the recent time change. This has created a clogging of sorts there. As many of the workers relying on this form of transportation to get from work, were left sitting in the dark...at the Frederick Street south side, where the 10-a, 14-a and 15-a are lined up.

GB purchase

GRAND Bahama Port Authority - Harbour and GB Airport…it shocks me that over the past 10-12 years learned Attorneys residing in GB continue to propose Government purchase these assets.

Don't force your agenda on all of us

We have all known from day one that acts of homosexuality and lesbianism abound in the world, inclusive of The Bahamas. These acts of abomination, for that is what they are, are an affront to The Lord Jesus Christ and to right thinking individuals. In recent times several high profiled persons and organisations have come out of the proverbial closet to embrace and promote this perverted alternative life style.

Christmas bonus

A banker sends to P.O. to collect a FREE monthly educational magazine from STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Planners ) and the messenger is charged and receipted for the following:

Climb down from those high horses

I often joke that I am the smartest individual in the Universe. As time goes on in our wonderful nation, I am beginning to really believe that. Let us examine the proposed debt reduction at Bahamas Power & Light. It is commonly agreed and accepted that Bahamas Power & Light and its corporate predecessor, Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) has been badly run and managed for decades under successive administrations.

A tax system we can't afford

Your Editorial comment of Thursday, the 21st November, was informative in that it laid out the serious fiscal situation facing Bahamian governments as we continue to grapple with increasingly devastating Atlantic hurricanes.

Do something new

I was born in a time when elitist education was the order of the day (1970s). Currently, both globally and locally there is a move to increase access to education. There will definitely be a compromise on quality happening in most western educational institutions.

Food for thought

Roadside vendors do they have Health certificates? An ever increasing group of people just trying to make a dollar, but they are selling food - coconut juice, etc…are they not required to get a Food handlers certificate and display it?

Kindness is a two-way street

“And, Mr Speaker, I just want to give an update…There are many Bahamians who believe that we are collecting billions and billions of dollars.