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Taking risks helps progress

According to former US president Franklin D Roosevelt, “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little”.

Overwhelming hypocrisy

Statistically around 1 1/2% to 2% of the world’s population is homosexual and/or bisexual.

An example of how not to talk to the boss

I wish every school-age child of The Bahamas would get a copy of the November 19 edition of The Tribune in order to read the front page article about the Bahamas Taxi Cab Union (BTCU) and its ongoing disagreement with Transport Minister Renward Wells.

We need some optimism

As I examine the history of the Bahamas I notice a shift from determinate optimism to indeterminate pessimism.

Simple breach of contract

Millions lost in computer fiasco - hasn’t the good Minister an appreciation of simple breach of contract of the provider?

Don't talk about crime – you will never win

If I held either the position of Minister for National Security or Commissioner of Police I would be exceptionally careful when and if I made public comments on crime…you never win.

Cut us some slack, please

The nation is in a treadmill sort of mode, in my view. This statement is not to generate a sense of anxiety but one designed, deliberately, to bring to the forefront those issues of public policy and initiatives which directly impact the quality of life and well being of tens of thousands of ordinary Bahamians, if there are any of them left.

Time to dispense with military side of police

Is it long overdue to change the military posture of the Royal Bahamas Police to a pure appearance of a civil Police Force?

My home is now a liability

Please allow a tax paying Bahamian citizen a space within your news outlet to voice a few concerns. With a heavy and frustrated heart, I write to you with regards to the home I have purchased through the Ministry of Housing within the last housing exercise. This home that I have counted as an asset has over the few short years become a liability.

Biting the hand that feeds

Franklin Graham is the son of the legendary Billy Graham -- a man who has preached the gospel to more people in person than anyone in church history. He is also the president and CEO of the humanitarian organisation, Samaritan’s Purse, which was founded in 1970 by the late Bob Pierce.

Always a flooding issue

FISH Hole Road/Causeway has for years been an issue from flooding…spend $8-10 million surely problems solved? Not even with the rains and high tide, no tropical storm or hurricane Saturday the Police had to close the new $10m replacement causeway as it was unsafe.

It's time to change

Were it not for the tragic context, it would be difficult not to see the humour in a country so comically backward that its court system can be used to stop the government’s demolition of illegal, substandard shanty towns, only to have them demolished by a Hurricane between hearings, killing hundreds.

Service was just the thing

KUDOS to Ms Munro and the organisers for a very spectacular Remembrance Day service on Sunday, with live television coverage straight through.

Pastors who show a lack of leadership

CHRISTIAN Values The importance of the proposed anti-gay protests spoken of by Bahamas Christian Council Delton Fernander should not be understated.

Isn't it the same as housbreaking?

Re: An opportunity to pause, think and remember we’re all human, Haitians too. The Tribune, Insight, October 28, 2019.

Leave it to the experts

Your headline on Friday read, “We Won’t Pay” referring to the UB negotiations with the lecturers could well be a headline for the situation with BPL or BEC.

Pandering to new wave of xenophobia

I admire the unwavering patriotism of members and executives of the lobby group Operation Sovereign Bahamas.

No, we are not a Christian nation

Please, people like Senator Jasmin Turner - Dareus, and all you so-called “Christians”, who suddenly remember to be Christian whenever the issue of the day is homosexuality and the Bahamas’ fledgling LGBTQI community.

Only basketball has hit the spot with sports fans

Sports Tourism…I am young enough to recall following the 1992 FNM when Tourism brought in a team of UK Consultants for Sports Tourism.

I'd love to holiday in Bahamas – but can't

I have read in the press of USA and Bahamas articles about the need of Bahamas for tourists to come after the hurricane. What I would like to point out is how the government “says” they want tourists but at the same time they don’t let them in.

Baby boomers are to blame

As I watched them playing vigorously on the court I listened intently as they teased each other.

Testing the drug waters

Expunging past criminal records for the possession of drugs as put into the public media by ex-Commissioner of Police Farquharson simply is a pre-empted approach to indicate the way the Minnis Government intends to go…Testing the waters.

Watch for the brain drain

LOOKING on the bright side . . .

Fifty years of chicanery

It is not surprising that the country is up in arms about this latest piece of stupidity, coming on the heels of the worst summer ever, in terms of electrical supply.

Talking at the wheel

Didn’t we ban the use of cellphones when driving? Not any difference from what I see but then you never see a police vehicle let alone a traffic cop except for their once a month licence check. Suggest that law was all PR.