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Why not pay schools by results?

No one in his/her right mind could or should blame the Hon. Minister of Education, Jeffrey Lloyd (FNM-South Beach) for the dismal state of the educational plant in The Bahamas today and the terrible national grades. This phenomenon has come about due to any number of factors. With your leave, Editor, allow me to flesh out one or two of them.

Excellent work from the science community

“…Wonderful..” “…Great!..” Were only two of the superlatives used to describe the fulfillment of the decision by the Government to sign the contract to relocate and build the bridge in Staniard Creek, Andros. It was indeed “…. Wonderful...” and “…Great…” to witness the advance of an event many others and I have so long desired.

Bad sign of the times

I am appalled by the proliferation of large signs on the sides of most of the major streets in New Providence. These signs, which are mostly on Government property, advertise everything from beverage to Games of Chance.

Catch and release is inhumane

We have had an illegal Haitian problem for decades. During the 1940’s to the early 1960’s the emerging Bahama Islands, now the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, required massive foreign labourers (usually of Haitian background) for the agriculture industries principally in the Abacos, Eleuthera and parts of Grand Bahama. Theses islands, historically, have been inundated ever since with illegal and legal Haitian migrants and immigrants.

Calsey's excellence

Calsey Johnson, journalist par excellent dies at 82 years old.

Survival by any means

The British parliament voted to delay the Brexit deal and require Boris Johnson, the prime minister, to ask for a three months delay. Mr Johnson sent an unsigned letter asking for an extension of the deadline, but he sent a signed letter that states that to delay would be detrimental. Both the European Union(EU) and Mr Johnson are fighting for their political survival.

This is no time to be intimidated

Using my deductive reasoning skills after years of reading The Nassau Guardian columnist who goes by the nom de plume Front Porch, I have concluded that the main writer is an educated feminist who is possibly a lesbian.

Cash in on cannabis

Florida and the majority of US states are on the move and rapidly are developing their strategic positions in the global Cannabis industry. A number of other nations across the globe are doing the same.

It is our duty to look after one another

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.

Time the nation united

When the storm first hit –fear and disbelief were the prevailing emotions experienced by the masses. In the midst of such trauma, we saw the emergence of unlikely, everyday heroes. From the young to the old our nation banded together to help our fellow brothers and sisters. Irrespective of nationality, class or status, the human element was the guiding force in the unification that resulted after the storm.

Oh, how I long for the good old days

Recently while doing some research on the island of New Providence, it has occurred to me that Bahamians have divested themselves of their entrepreneurship skills.

The story of Miracle is a lesson to us all

I am a Bahamian – hailing from the island of Grand Bahama – retired and now living with my wife in Florida. My wife is an American, from the state of Ohio, who lived with me in The Bahamas for over 40 years, which shows, I believe, our contentment with living in The Bahamas. However, after my uncle passed away, I inherited his estate and with our two adult sons, already residing in the US, hence our move to Florida.

We need to improve incentives to learn

“D is Depressing”

At this rate, we will soon be off the charts

I know I am not allowed to comment on any matter that takes place in court. However, I did read what I would consider a shocking miscarriage of justice – I now understand why last year the World Bank concluded that it was easier to do business in the war-torn West Bank and the Gaza Strip than in the Bahamas.

PM working Abaco and Grand Bahama hard

Does the most Honourable Dr Hubert Minnis see in the aftermath of Dorian plus recently announced development projects - Carnival GB…soon to come Our Lucaya…Disney Eleuthera that his favour on the streets could swing his way from being very negative and is now planning for an Election in 2020 before the summer?

It is our money they are wasting

There has been a lot of brouhaha lately about the Bahamas Defence Force’s decision to let its Commodore take his vacation leave rather than allowing him to stay on the job and continue to accumulate extra pay for postponed vacations.

For what it's worth

While the debate on the Evacuation Bill continues in Parliament, some have questioned what could happen if a resident ordered to leave an unsafe area refuses to do so. The consequences of refusing to obey a proper and legal evacuation order was considered by the Privy Council in Commissioner of Police vs. Cavanaugh (Montserrat) 2005 UKPC 28. This was a case in which a person refused to be evacuated and was arrested, charged, and fined in Montserrat in the light of a volcanic eruption.

Cruise industry gives little return

A summer of new foreign direct investment and local investments since July 2017 shows this has been dominated by the cruise industry, a sector which gives very little return as average cruise passenger spend in $70.

Minimum wage is a no-brainer

Speaking as an employer, the minimum wage is a no-brainer. If you get more funds in the pockets of working people it not only enriches their lives, it boost the economy. Working people spend their money with the local economy thus generating revenue for the country/Treasury.

Potter's Cay has much to offer

I was privileged to host my radio talk show Express Yourself (Global Radio 99.5 FM) at Potter’s Cay Dock a few days ago.

Calsey Johnson, a journalist who bubbled over with love

The late Calsey Johnson; nation building Bahamian; media pioneer; a dedicated family man; a son of The Lord Jesus Christ; parliamentarian and a diplomat par excellence, will long be remembered fondly as long as there is The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

How a cook and okra had the last word

There were many interesting winter residents who spent the winter season in The Bahamas during the 1940s and 50s. Mr John Manning was a most interesting person. His passion was deep sea fishing for billfish.

Is this a Baptist voice speaking?

For years there has been serious issues when the Bahamas Christian Council speaks as does it speak for all denominations or for a select majority group - Baptist?

Proud to have served

Recent arrests of two individuals charged with several murders and attempted murders merits public attention and gratitude.

A question of leadership

Political leadership is vital in any society regardless of the form or type of government.