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Show respect to the office

Basic food items and the long list of Price Controlled Food items carry zero Duty.... hope Talk Show Hosts and their side-kicks will stop misleading the public.

News and comment should be separate

The country needs quality and fair newspapers. It needs these guardians to demand answers from power brokers. The Government, the church, companies, or anyone else who holds power, influence and authority should be scrutinized and held to account by a fearless, free and fair press.

Time to find out which protocol takes precedence

Our new National Honours Awards or as they are being awarded The Bahamas Re-Run Awards........ there had to be more persons who had received Queen’s honours receiving the National awards to make it a joke ...... surely if a person has received their CMG-MBE-OBE or knighthood that’s enough awards as they came from the Monarch – Her Majesty the Queen of the Bahamas.

Christmas in October is no way to do business

Bahamas Paradise Cruises…Didn’t Government cancel the Nassau-US-Florida leg because of objection from the Chamber of Commerce and the detrimental effect the service was having?

Mr Chipman shows how it can be done

Great Britain has no written constitution. In other words, unlike the Bahamas, it has no system codified into one document.

Why the pension delay?

Minister Brensil Rolle, Minister responsible said to be of NIB and Ms Rolle at NIB.

We are all children of God

“Homosexuality is no disorder or illness, and can therefore not be subject to treatment. A ‘treatment’ with the only aim of changing sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual must be regarded as ethical malpractice, and has no place in the health system”.

Fred hits the spot this time

Fred McAlpine is an imperfect messenger. He lacks compassion for juvenile hurricane victims in Dominica, and often goes off script on the legislative agenda of his party. Who knew he was capable of a rational argument on a hot button issue?

Time we had a dollar day

Minister Renward Wells, Minister for Transport, please hold a ‘dollar day’ to collect funds to offset the cost of purchasing for Road Traffic the plastic cards needed to print off new Driver’s Licences.

Be strong, today and tomorrow

The aftermath, rescue, recovery and ongoing restoration from hurricane Dorian was hailed with #Abacostrong and #GBStrong sentiments of optimism and faith to rebuild.

No way out

The Prime Minister and the Attorney-General have made it clear that any “amnesty period” after Dorian has ended and that Government will now rigidly enforce laws requiring repatriation of undocumented immigrants, or else lock them up. That’s fine as a legal principle, but realistically how will it be executed?

Emission question

What is the level of emissions pollution of the cruise ships in Nassau Harbour — Half Moon Cay — Coco Cay upcoming MSC Cay/Ocean Cay and Disney?

Hypocrisy of awards system

Queen’s Honours and now National Honours — who should receive them?

Let's stand together

Thank you for this opportunity of commenting on the recovery efforts following Hurricane Dorian’s devastating impact. As a second home owner in Marsh Harbour, I have recently returned from 10 days of recovery work in Abaco and am pleased to report that solid progress is being made following this unprecedented catastrophe.

Protocol, please

Oil spill at Equinor-Riding Rock conservatively 120,000 gallons of crude oil from tanks that were not built to withstand more than 140mph winds and clearly a low biometric pressure popped their lids spilling-spraying ‘000’s of thick black crude. Wednesday next when the House meets after Cabinet Tuesday I expect PM to advise that Government has discontinued all discussions with OBAN. If PM doesn’t then the public has to ask.....who are the people behind OBAN?

Time to stop drilling for oil

I find it extremely disappointing and sad that our supposedly educated Prime Minister does not have the fortitude and strength to quash the idea of drilling for oil in The Bahamas, immediately.

Question of insurance

Are vehicles and equipment of the RBPF and RBDF insured?

When it comes to Haiti, follow the money

In the search for motive, reason or rationale to explain the travesties, mysteries or controversies of life it is usually wise to follow the money.

Touched by human kindness

As I watched people dropped money into the receptacle it made me proud to be a Bahamian. And it gives me great pleasure in sending a big shoutout to the management and staff of KFC for the initiative they have taken to help bring relief to the victims of Hurricane Dorian.

Same sex marriages and abortion

A local “failed“ politician who postures as a minister of The Gospel, Frederick McAlpine (FNM-Pineridge) had long sought entry into the House of Assembly as a representative from Grand Bahama.

Christmas thoughts

I believe today the Bahamas Paradise Cruise Service commences...what a great Christmas present to our wholesalers and retailers.

The great equaliser

We were all fortunate to have had a lesson that we should have learned from. But judging from how we have been talking and treating each other, we still believe that we are in control and the we are better than others. We hate people from our own region, our forefathers, and most interestingly, our family.

Chipman's political judgement

Before he packed up his Georgie-bundle, threw a hissy fit and stormed out of the FNM, Centreville MP Reece Chipman should have bothered to learn a thing or two about partisanship.

Human rights

Good government is more than the use of sovereign power to create prosperity, productivity and happiness. Good governing is the imaginative use of intuition, skills and knowledge to administrate with the participation and consent of the governed.

Poverty in The Bahamas

Trade unions requests that minimum wage be increased to $300. Because the last increase which was in 2015 and presently stands at $210 is inadequate.