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Change is the only constant

We had the 2008 financial crisis called the great recession. It was mainly caused by people not being able to pay their mortgage (home debt). Low interest rate was offered to people who would not normally qualify (subprime borrowers). The low interest increase and people could not meet their mortgages. Home prices fell. The entire US financial system went into recession and the rest of the world followed suit.

Advice to PM

Amendment to the Emergency Laws, etc…I listened to Prime Minister and as he asked for positive comment I take him up.

Stick with the party you ran with

The crossing of political floors has become common place in our wonderful nation. Way back in the day, nation builders like the late Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield; Sir Arthur Foulkes and Maurice Moore, et al, crossed the floor and walked out of the then led Lynden Pindling PLP. They formed a grouping called ‘The Free PLP’ and later evolved into the now Free National Movement (FNM) and the rest is history.

Hospitals and viruses

ABC News carried a News item last night (October 7) where they reported that six newly died in the premature care area of a leading hospital for an unknown virus and three - four other newly borns were under care.

Show pride in Ragged Island

I am a native of Ragged Island. In 2017, my home, located on one of the Ragged Island cays, had its roof blown off. I sought assistance from NEMA along with other residents of Ragged Island. Some of the residents of Ragged Island received financial assistance, but this was not extended to all.

Shanty town law change

The government is unnecessarily embroiled in a discussions over the acquisition of property on which shanty towns existed in Abaco.

Dorian, I hate you

Dorian I gon smack you.

Cry the beloved country

I watched in horror and dismay when our northern islands were decimated by the terrible storm, Dorian, resulting in massive loss of life and belongings.

Are we equipped?

A US-based Animal Service using infra-red vision and a drone found a dog, potcake, almost alive under the rubble of Marsh Harbour yesterday which has gone viral on network TV.

Stop cull on Cable Beach

To whom it may concern:

Response to our Haitian brothers and sisters

EDITOR, The Tribune.PLEASE allow me a space in your valued chronicle to express my longstanding concerns as it relates to our collective social response to our Haitian brothers and sisters. Recently I was privy to a group of professionals discussing

Ignore the pundits and demolish the shantytowns

One by one our sadly out-of-touch public intellectuals and fake rights groups line up to feed the gullible among us their canned, imported take on the moral situation unleashed by Dorian.

The new $318m US Embassy

THE US new Embassy all $318 million zero impact to Treasury as all materials - furnishing are Duty Free and Vat Free!

Brave Davis - The Empty Suit

Brave Davis – The Empty Suit EDITOR, The Tribune. Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis is what the dictionary defines as an empty suit: “a prominent person regarded as lacking substance, personality, or ability.” His performance during and after H

Our bank is still manual

When RBC Royal Bank was going through its mega downsizing in the Bahamas, a friend of mine posted a photo on Facebook of an empty Main Branch at 2:30pm, with a caption: Mission Accomplished! No more customers!

Effects of inflation

Inflation is the rate at which prices of goods and services rise and therefore the purchasing power of the currency is decreasing. I will argue that inflation has done more harm than good and is by design.

What to do next

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.” – Genesis 1:31

Examining the causes of migrants

For years, we seem to notice that the Bahamian-Haitian issue has a pattern.

Let us be kind after Dorian

Please allow me a little space in your valuable newspaper to share a few words with your reading audience.

War zone conditions in Abaco

Abaco after Dorian is the closest The Bahamas have ever been to a war zone, unique in our history.

Victims of climate change

Battered and bruised, The Bahamas is now the most recent island-nation to experience global warming’s wrath.

BPL against the people

The statement from URCA changing their policy concerning parties generating 1mw of alternative No cost to the beast BP&L is incredibly anti-consumer – Anti we The People.

Davis disappoints

I was shocked to see in the newspapers on Wednesday that Philip “Brave” Davis was playing politics with the tragedy that happened in Abaco and Grand Bahama.

Impeachment of Trump

Impeachment of President Trump? Clearly the Democrats are hell bent to achieve this they refuse to accept the results of their last General Election.

Thoughts on work permits

Recently, several prominent persons have suggested that “undocumented” persons be given the right to work for one year. Here are several thoughts about that idea.