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Fred goes paragliding

THE last bodies have not even been removed from the rubble of the death-trap Abaconian shantytowns whose demolition he protested and Fred Smith is off in Italy, paragliding.

Lessons to learn from our history

From as far back as I can remember there have been factions in this country whose major ambition has been to keep Bahamians divided.

Senator is wrong

I recently noted a post by an opinionated Senator which I have up to this point tried to ignore... However, I feel the need to address matters when they emanate from persons seated in the Upper House of our Legislature due to what appears to be an inadvertent reliance on assumptions which are not grounded in reality nor placed in their proper historical context.

Speak up to save us all

Climate change.....in 60 years what might be left of our island nation?

Our past with the Haitians

It’s heartbreaking in a so-called Christian country, where Bahamians carry their Bibles to church on Sundays to sing Hosanna to their Creator, and yet on Mondays will be shouting hell fire on the heads of less fortunate human beings — the Haitians. Bahamians forget that Haitians are also God’s creation, and in God’s sight they are of equal value.

Thank you for helping Ranfurly

As you know, just over three weeks ago, one of the most powerful hurricanes in Bahamian history unleashed its deadly force on the Islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. In Hurricane Dorian’s wake, it is estimated that over 70,000 people have been displaced. Amongst the displaced have been the children from the home in Grand Bahama. A total of twenty-three (23) children have been added to our Ranfurly Family. A small but important number by comparison. These children are the most vulnerable of the vulnerable.

How do we treat our neighbours?

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”—Malcolm S Forbe

We must pray for the PM

We begin with a verse from sacred Scripture found in 1st Timothy 2: 1& 2 – “I urge you then first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for the people, for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

The simple truth after the storm

The Prime Minister has just announced the creation of a new Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management and Reconstruction, in part to aid in disaster preparedness. The question is why, isn’t that what NEMA was tasked to do and what skills or experience does the new minister have that qualifies him for this role?

Iram Lewis is not saved

The appointment of Iram Lewis to the newly constructed Minister of Disaster Preparedness is only designed to try to control who gets assistance or not. It is a clear sign of the desperation by the FNM to salvage what little is left of what used to be “FNM Country”.

Honouring 'Chippie'

As our Bahamian Isles navigate through the ravishes of Hurricane Dorian; I was saddened to hear about the passing of “John Chippie Chipman”. He was blessed to live to see 90 years of age. He was a cultural icon, legendary icon, outstanding entertainer, Junkanoo Hall of Famer, Member of The British Empire and many accomplishments, too many to mention.

Dorian disaster priorities

I moved to Grand Bahama in 1968 and have worked and lived here ever since. I love the island and Grand Bahamians and have seen them prosper. Now, I fear greatly for their future. I see their Dorian despair firsthand when helping my church distribute food to the residents in the worst hit areas every day.

Failure of government to aid Abaco

In one way Hurricane Dorian has made me bitter towards so many people.

Praise for Miriam Emmanuel

The staff at the Education Loan Authority have been working along with the chairman, Miriam Emmanuel, from the time she came in January 2018. We, the staff, have seen the injustice that has been said; victimising and the malicious lies that were told in the papers which are totally untrue.

Abject apology

I recently read in a newspaper (not The Tribune) an account of conditions in the storm shelter at the old Bahamas Academy gym.

Rebuilding in The Mudd

We can sympathise with the plight of Haitians evacuated from Abaco to temporary shelter in Nassau. It is painful for anyone, particularly single-parent families with no back- up resources, to be displaced from a long-time home, even if if it’s nothing more than a shanty without running water.

Keep church out of politics

Why can’t the Bahamas Christian Council keep the politicians out of church services?

Drug cartels

For a while, I’ve looked at crime trends and studied them closely to understand and learn how to fully combat these problems. We always had a gang problem and illegal arms dealing being the two biggest issues in crime.

Former PMs disappoint

I was watching the American news on September 11, 2019 and saw a face I’d not seen in a long time. It was Donald Rumsfeld. He was last Secretary of Defence under President George W Bush.

Rising of the Phoenix

I have long believed that had the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, MP, QC (PLP-Cat Island) been leader of the Progressive Liberal Party a year or so before the last general elections that he would have become Prime Minister and the PLP would have held onto the government.

Thank you

I can’t thank the people of Nassau enough. Delta Airlines sent a plane for us in Marsh Harbour.

Our tangled relations with the US

In the almost 70 years since Sir Stafford Sands revitalised the Development Board (now the Ministry of Tourism), this country has spent well over $2bn dollars educating the world about our touristic charms.

Osadebay was light in legal world

I remember Emmanuel Osadebay well now. He was a stern disciplinarian; he was the kind when he stamped you said “how high”. He was a real disciplinarian.

Are we truly transparent?

I suggest we admire the comment of the Prime Minister that his administration stands for accountability – transparency and is totally against corruption.

Idle talk in wake of Dorian

When creativity goes beyond being creative to being stupid - Talk Shows, especially those that have a call-in part daily, add entertainment to sometimes the simple boredom of the Show.