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How many are we mourning?

CABINET Office has announced a National Mourning Service for those who died in Dorian for Wednesday evening at BFM - Carmichael.

Rest in peace Donut AKA Fats

Another violent act in the capital Nassau, Bahamas, has once again left another family in mourning. It has left another young man dead at the hands of vicious animals.

Thank you for Chippie honour

I just want to say that I truly enjoy your Tribune Weekend section and applaud the writers, editors and photographers for the incredible work they do on a consistent basis. The magazine has become a weekly must-read for so many people, myself included.

Inadequacy of the GDP measure

Throughout the world the Gross Domestic product of a country is used as the most important indicator of a country’s economic progress. One shortcoming of GDP is that it uses activities that are detrimental to the longterm economy like over fishing, deforestation, strip mining, and murders. GDP inventor Simon Kuznets was adamant that his measure had nothing to do with well being.

Rebuilding after storm

Today, our country stands as a symbol of the extraordinary resilience of its islands, the extraordinary resilience of its people, the extraordinary resilience of the entire commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Minnis can go it alone

It is amazing and a spectacle of no small order to see and witness two of our former, and I stress the adjective, former, Prime Ministers seeking to publicly “upstage” the Most Honourable Prime Minister relative to their bogus attempts to inject themselves into matters of public policy in the aftermath of Dorian.

A source of hope

Re: Hope in Times of Despair

Hapless Christie

The great tragedy in the affair of the Two Former Prime Ministers is the pathetic, hapless figure of Perry Christie.

A monster of a lesson

Bahamians got a first-hand lesson in the urgency of global warming in the form of a monster hurricane named Dorian.

Honouring Jennie Smith

On Sunday, September 8, I am deeply sadden by the passing of my mother Jennie Smith, but I do know God has a place for her in Heaven. My mother was the pillar and foundation of our family with 12 kids – eleven boys and one girl. Their names are Tino, Roberto Romano Dino, Larry, Barry, Cyril, Erskine, Ambrose Richard and the only daughter, Jackie. With many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Attention seeking by former PMs

IT was so, so sad to see the two former Prime Ministers on TV Wednesday night. Both are retired and in their 70s.

Don't spread false stories

In times of national distress, thank God there are many Bahamians who spread hope and show gratitude for what is being done to help.

Heroism of Bahamians

FURTHER to Lynn Holowesko’s letter about the amasing hurricane disaster response at Odyssey Aviation, another extraordinary operation was taking place at White Crown Aviation and the North Eleuthera Airport.

Context of the hurricane

To explain the effects of Hurricane Dorian on The Bahamas.

Where were the RBDF and NEMA?

I was surprised by the reaction of many to the recent near obliteration of Abaco and the ravaging of Grand Bahama by hurricane Dorian.

Boston Blackie

Leonard “Boston Blackie” Miller is a name many more Bahamians should know. No, I’m not a member of his family, or in other ways related to him. I don’t even have his, or his family’s permission to say what I’m saying. I did, however, work with him briefly at C C Sweeting Junior High School many years ago. He impressed me as much then as he did with his pugilistic skills and bicycle riding abilities years and years before that. The fact that, even physical education teachers, in recent years, claim never to have heard of him is to me a big shame.

Death, destruction & recovery

Hurricane Dorian will long be remembered by this generation as the most destructive one ever experienced since the Great Hurricane of 1932.

Rebuilding our islands

I have been trying to find a reliable, qualified person to fix our roof since hurricane Michael. We called the Labour board to find out what is the going rate for a qualified worker and we were told they have no guideline, it is up to us and the worker.

Is there no justice for the poor?

I spent 6 hours yesterday at Jet Aviation trying desperately and unsuccessfully to evacuate my family members from Abaco.

What will we learn from Hurricane Dorian?

The whole country I expect sends their support to everyone who was impacted by Dorian…as a people saddened on hearing the deaths.

Keep out the scam fundraisers

Fundraising for Dorian victims

Economic Czar

In a previous letter, I indicated that the revival and sustainable growth in the economy is vital to the success or otherwise of the Minnis administration. Job growth and the rapid expansion of the self employed are necessary if the private sector is to thrive. There are no other options.

Smith appeal is flogging a dead horse

As a trained lawyer with extensive experience at the criminal defense Bar back in the day, I was astounded to hear and read that the Crown will be seeking leave from the Court of Appeal to appeal against its recent decision relative to Frank Smith, former PLP member for Ann’s Town, now renamed Free Town, wherein the panel upheld the prior ruling made by the Chief Magistrate.

KYC compliance

In reference to the ever increasing burden of compliance in the name of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Proliferation of Terrorism on the Bahamian people.

Corporations replacing nation states?

The state has the right to exist when individuals are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the community it represents, according to Ernest Renan, a French philosopher.