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Potter's Cay facing peril

It is with great anguish I add the plight of the vendors at Potter’s Cay to the list of fumbles by the government.

FNM meltdown?

IT is written, rightly or wrongly, “That whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”. Whether or not this applies to the Minnis administration may be moot, but clearly, something is wrong with it’s style of governance. In recent times any number of troubling issues and public policy initiatives seem to be plaguing this regime.

What real support?

ON Sunday, 18th August, Our Prime Minister toured BPL Clifton and Blue Hills and declared “It’s a Crisis Now”, and offered the Bahamian people ( at least in Nassau) “sympathy”. I’ve been waiting all week to see if anything else might be offered, and since none has been, presumably there won’t be else.

Leslie Miller test

Former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP for Tall Pines, Leslie Miller, presents a litmus test for Philip Brave Davis and Fred Mitchell.

Doctors' dispute

As the nation grapples with the strike action by medical doctors, after failed attempts by the Government to avert it, the pain is that the strikers’ demands are very familiar. It’s true that there may be anger with junior doctors in the short term.

Promiscuity in The Bahamas

We Bahamians must now come to grips with our rampant sexual promiscuity and its attendant sexual transmitted diseases (STDs), namely HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. I was alarmed by the recent statistics on syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea among Bahamians that were given by Health Minister Dr Duane Sands.

Strike demands

Re: Little sympathy for doctors’ demands. The Tribune, Editorial August 26, 2019.

Immigration must listen to Exodus

I must commend The Tribune for its courageous decision in being the voice for Rights Bahamas and Migrant Rights chairperson Mona Agenor, who has alleged that her young family was brutalised by officers from the Department of Immigration.

Police inaction

Can somebody please tell me how I can get a copy of a statement I made to the police on 11th July 2019?

Limits of the city

It is not often that I get an opportunity to travel the Bay Street and downtown areas.

Minimum wage and its effects

Recently, there has been some public discourse about poverty and the minimum wage in this country. It is impossible to exhaustively cover this topic with limited time and space, but with your permission, I would like to add a few thoughts to the ongoing conversation.

Recognising our nation builders

Summer is over and now it is back to the grind for students and teachers who will be stepping back into the classroom.

Phony outrage from Mitchell

Fred Mitchell is upset at the Deputy Prime Minister for denouncing a calculated smear attack on his own son, while failing to say anything about some offensive comments made about certain individuals by two public servants.

Political corruption

THE other day Boggie, Yakka, Porky and me was having our usual discussion under Ms Annie Canep tree. After Yakka finished talking about pa doody and what killed him we decided to talk about the most corrupt agency in government. Boggie said it gotta be road traffic, Yakka axed if he was crazy, he say it gotta be Physical Planning.

Dean move a blow to the FNM

The 19th century French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville said that the power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people.

Debunked ideology killing us

I have been frequenting Lyford Cay since the 1970s.

The greater good for our community

Navigating through life can be a very simple process, but we human beings, although positioned at the top of the evolution chain, are amazingly dumb animals when you think about it, especially if we haven’t been properly prepared and sufficiently anchored to a firm foundation.

Is PLP pro-gay?

BAHAMIANS mustn’t put too much stock into a Nassau based downmarket tabloid newspaper, which recently asserted that there is currently an ongoing intramural feud between heterosexuals and homosexuals in the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

Power to the people

We are an island nation that has gone from fairly consistent power generation in our capital city to having power outages every single day.

Did Pindling swipe at Wilchcombe?

For Monique Pindling, daughter of the late Sir Lynden Pindling, hitching her family’s prominent name to the Brave Wave bandwagon made good political sense.

Basketball helps nation

The 2019 Basketball Summer of Thunder is now history. The mammoth venture cannot go unnoticed.

Baha Mar vehicles

There have been previously letters on this issue... unlicensed vehicles of the landscape people at Baha Mar driving on the public road. Are they allowed to drive on the side walk? Surely Baha Mar, or their contractor, can afford to licence them?

BP&L bills

Before BP&L with the assistance of whoever resolves the current catastrophe which PM Minnis and his Cabinet don’t seem to realise, we the public want some indications as to what will this spending of $95m for new engines do to my BP&L bill?

Champ sends his regards

I’ve been advised that in order to be considered credible, people that write, speak or make public announcements should at the onset, state their biases, relationships or interests, whether direct or indirect and they should do so early out of an abundance of caution and for the sake of full and frank disclosure.

Is this any way to show respect?

From my very earliest memory, two words that should evoke human compassion and Christian kindness are Widows and Orphans. By their very definition they suggest vulnerability and to some extent, weakness against the misfortunes and outrages of simply living, much less living alone.