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Disney project a done deal

We saw some funny things, trying to be engineered earlier - remember an NGO group wanting to have a hearing with Government, with their concept and they had no legal attachment or MOU or Agreement subject to approval, but they pushed and failed.

Missing point on minimum wage

Some faulty economic thinking is predictably creeping into the narrative of the debate for increasing the minimum wage and it has the potential for undermining support for the increase at this time, especially among those not fully committed to it in the first place.

Time to stop plastic pollution

The Bahamas National Trust joins Bahamians and Bahamian NGOs in welcoming the Environmental Protection (Control of Plastic Pollution) Bill, 2019.

No surprise over lack of RFP bids

Whow, the RFP for Nassau Flight Services attracted 3-as in 1-2-3 bids. Are you surprised?

So what is the truth at BPL?

BP&L…what is the truth?

Putting Sir Roland Symonette into context

Over 39 years since his demise, Sir Roland Symonette, first premier of The Bahamas, remains a lightning rod and a polarising political figure among Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters who are unwilling to exonerate deceased members of the Bay Street Boys and their heirs.

The buck does indeed stop with the prime minister

Have zero patience anymore, the buck, Mr. Most Honourable Prime Minister, stops right at your desk. A national Address, with a Press Question and Answer, live Press conference broadcast has to happen, as the residents of New Providence cannot take BP&L any longer.

We need to get tough on immigration laws

Countries all around the world are getting serious about protecting the borders of their country.

US gun law affecting us in the Bahamas

As Americans are massacred by guns that should only be on the battlefield, the right of every American to own a gun for self defence is such a sacred right in the US that it doesn’t even tolerate sensible discussion.

A shock to travel along Bay Street

It is not often that I get an opportunity to travel the Bay Street and downtown areas. On Monday, 12th instant, I had to take my family somewhere in those environments. I was appalled and deeply shocked by the absolutely deplorable and unkempt conditions from the East Street intersection and beyond travelling east on Bay Street! A few years ago it was terrible, but now it is even worse than before.

Banks must do better

Banks are raising, seemingly at any opportunity, the cost of doing business with them, and no one is making any noise, but if their customers were to make noise, the management of the bank would at the least know their customers are dissatisfied. Make noise people!

IT toys not the solution

The Marco Alert programme will cost $3 million plus.

Check your facts

Politicians – especially the Prime Minister – had better do their due diligence before they speak… the advent of the service property, commonly known as Airbnb or Home Away from home, is a thriving sector impacting visitor arrivals considerably but sorry PM your quote of $400 per night is not the average price, far from it. Try between $120-180 and at the high end you are looking at the luxury property on the beach with all the mod cons.

Why must we rely on gambling?

Gambling - be it Web Shops, Lottery or what have you! Do we, the Government, have to rely on this social breaker to such a high extent?

Words I would prefer not to hear

What does URCA actually do? License Cable franchises - cellular systems - Radio and TV licenses - supposed to be now monitoring BP/L, but do we ever see URCA in action?

Spoiled kid who needs a sharp lesson

In most international hostage taking situations, it is usually a local cretin who grabs hold of some unfortunate foreigner and demands a king’s ransom for their return. Exhibit A: the nefarious pirates of Somalia.

We deserve better than being held hostage by BPL

The recurrent power outages has negatively impacted so many businesses and residents in New Providence. This has left many of us with no air conditioning during the brunt of high tempered conditions, spoiled perishable food items, and for some difficulties involving their health. To this date there are no clear answers and poor communication about resources for mitigation.

No one has the divine right to be nominated

What is it, people demanding nominations?

It's time we had some meaningful dialogue

Fifty-four percent of citizens in democracies believe their voice doesn’t have an impact on political decisions, and 64 percent think their government doesn’t act in their interest, ‘Democracy Perception Index 2018’ a survey conducted by Dalia Research, Alliance of Democracies and Rasmussen Global – found.

Colin Trotman, one of TV's finest

When people think of journalists, they think of the faces they see, the bylines they read, the voices they hear. They rarely think of those behind the scenes who make the broadcasts of familiar voices and faces possible.

Political deception

The FNM came into high office in May, 2017 based on Christie fatigue and the myriad of fools' dreams and promises which it sold to the expectant electorate. The slogan: 'It's the people's time' resonated with most Bahamians. The PLP's: 'We believe in Bahamians' had come to resemble a four lettered cuss word. The PLP and it's erstwhile leader, Christie, had to go one way or the other. What did we get instead?

Military link to today's data mining

After world war 2, Fredrick Terman became head of Standford University School of Engineering. He brought personnel that work with him at Harvard University that created technology used in World War 2. The office of Naval Research gave the Stanford University Engineering Department their first contract. (microwave research). In 1951 he created the Stanford industrial park. The Stanford Industrial Park which eventually became Silicon Valley leased land to companies such as Lockheed Corporation, Hewlett Packard, General Electric, and other important technology companies.

Pleased to see Montagu Park has smartened up

Many thanks to Bahamas Public Parks and Beaches Authority chairman Shanendon Cartwright and the hard-working staff for their prompt response to letters complaining about the unsightly, oversized billboards at Montagu Park.

Duty free shopping a shocker

It’s a ritual for some of us to get off the island to visit family and friends abroad. A part of the routine is to pick up a few bottles of rum or some such other inebriant to take along as a gift.

Fritzie ran good race

The passing of Dr. Cleveland “Fritzie” Eneas Jr. made me reflect on old fashioned values that make The Bahamas so special.